Part 1

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You approach the evil wizard, Gellert Grindelwald's castle in Eastern Europe. You knock on the door multiple times and a small elf like man opens the door and asks, "what's wrong?" You go on to say you saw a wanted poster in the local town centre and wanted to find the man who's photo was on it...

"All rightttt thennnn" said the small strange creature in a slurred and slightly drunk way. "This way missss..."

"Erm, Miss Sarah.."

"Ahhh beautifulllll nameeee missy. Wait here.." 

The small man wondered away in a shuffled type of staggered way and makes his way to a half open double door ahead of the hallway. It was a dark hallway. Full of old and dusty figurines that look sort of like old gargoyles, but different from any normal gargoyle she has seen before. While Sarah was looking around at these strange gargoyles she heard a loud CRASH and suddenly heard the poor little man squealing in pain. Sarah turn her body around and walked about 4 feet forward towards the door.  She tries to listen in to what's going on in the room with the half open double door ahead of the hallway she's currently in.

"You're an idiot, Oris" said a man who was yet to be known; but Sarah had an idea that he was the man on the wanted poster which was in her hand. "Why would you invite a stupid No-Maj into this castle? I don't want such dirty blood in my headquarters, remove IT at once." 

"But sir..."

"But what?" said the unknown man "She will ruin everything, what if she knows who Aurelius is or someone sent her to spy on me? Did you even think about that before inviting peasants into my home?"

"No sir but maybe we...I mean you could use her forrrrrr help in whatever you're doing with Cre... I meannnn Aurelius. We could use her to get close to him or even to assist you like poor Queenie did before she..." Oris slowly ended his sentence mid word and gazed his rounded black eyes at the half open door and then quickly looked down at his feet.

The man who currently had his head facing against the door turned his head to face it and saw a girl in the doorway, half hidden by a shadow of darkness and half lightened by the fire which was blazing in the room Oris and the man were in. The man took a deep breath and smiled and tilted his head to the side slightly in attempt to look as friendly and charming as possible. Before he spoke he licked his lips and teeth and coughed a little as if he was trying to change his voice to be more soothing than what it was a minute ago when he was talking to the little man.

"Oris, get out and keep watch over Aurelius". 

The little man ran out quickly as if he was running a 100 meter sprint out of the double doors and down the hallway to the right of Sarah and down some stairs.

 "Forgive him, he has..." The man hesitated. "Problems... but now his gone I can focus on you. He said something about you wanting to see me. Is that true?"

Sarah was still half in a shadow beside the door and was yet to really look at this strange  scary man who was talking to her. She kept glancing down at the rolled up wanted poster and then back up at the mans figure but not his face.

"Aww, what's that you've got there? Oh it's a poster of me. Aww you must be a fan of my power." The man gave a little giggle as if he said something funny.

"No, I erm just wanted to know why there was so many posters of you in town. Everyone's talking about you and how you're a murderer, but I was always told in school to never judge someone unless you have walked their path. So, I don't believe you are as bad as people say you are, just that you are misunderstood. My grandmother always used to say that my father was quite strange before he met my mother and that she made him a better man..."

"How sweet, but I'm not looking for a female companion at all. I am in fact looking for a partner in crime to help me." The man turned his back to Sarah and walked over to the fireplace and looked at himself in the mirror over the mantlepiece. He took a deep breath and continued on. "So as you've seen and heard people speak my name." He swallowed "Who am I to you?" 

He turned around and sat down in a big green and pink patterned chair beside the fireplace. He patted on the chair beside him as if telling Sarah to sit but she did not sit next to him she sat down opposite him on the matching pink and green sofa.

"Again who am I to you?" he repeated as Sarah was now comfortable on the sofa. "Am I a wizard? Am I a murderer? Am I a nice and warm man? Or am I  just a little fascination in your small Muggle mind? The man giggled again.

"I...I...I..I don't think you're any of those things. I think you're just broken... heart broken, like you cared for someone or something too much and it all ended so abruptly and you never fully recovered from it. I know what that's like ya'know and it's awful but overtime you're supposed to be happy again not murdering innocent people."

The man got to his feet and sat beside Sarah on the sofa, which scared her a little and said, "You don't know me Miss, so please don't assume you know me and my path. I'm sure your grandmother was wise but probably quite unrealistic. And your school was smart by telling you not to judge people but again quite unrealistic." The man stood up and took a deep breath and continued talking while walking towards his desk which was in the right side of the room. "I am the wizard named Gellert Grindelwald and I want to defeat a stupid man named Albus Dumbledore and I want you to help me, but you have to promise me that you'll not tell anyone outside of this room." Grindelwald smiled and tilted his head again.

Sarah stood up and said only one world, "Ok".

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