Part 5

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Some time has passed since this horrible occurrence happened and lets just say none of it was pretty... Luckily, Aurelius didn't kill Sarah Mitchell, he actually only harmed her enough to teach her a lesson which was 'Lying is bad and should be punished'.

Sarah awoke later after being harmed by Aurelius not knowing how long she was unconscious for. Was it hours? Days? Months? Or maybe even a few minutes? All she knew was that although her vision was blurry she knew she was not in her bedroom nor hospital. The room was dark, 100% pitch black, almost like they were in some kind of basement. There was an odd damp smell and a lingering smell sweat.

"Ahh, you awoke, my dear" Said a deep male voice in the back corner of the room. 

The man stood up and came into Sarah's view. Straight away Sarah recognised his boots and knew it was Grindelwald. He kneeled down in front of her so she could see him better. Grindelwald lifted up his hand and moved some of Sarah's hair out of her eyes which caused a few spots of blood to come dripping down from her forehead, down her face, and onto the floor.

"There, you might be able to see better now." Grindelwald said while removing his hand from her head and placing it on the floor beside her.

"" Sarah was quite confused and wasn't really behaving normally, she was behaving more like Oris normally would.

"You collapsed on in the stair well so I brought Aurelius to you, to fix you". Grindelwald did his cute smile and head tilt like he normally did when he wanted to act charming.


"Because to fix you he had to try and kill you." Grindelwald smiled and giggled again. "The real question is, why didn't you die?"

"I...don't....know....I..." Sarah's heart beat started racing, faster and faster. ", Mr Grindelwald...I have to....go...home, My"

"Shhh, my love, You are too ill to travel, but i'll look after you here, In the mean time why don't you tell me how you survived?" Grindelwald very quickly turned from being quite charming and slightly caring to very rude and cold, grinding his teeth.

"I...don't know...I am...just...a girl... Please let me...go."

"No no no, I can not Miss, I'm so remorseful but I must not let you go home." Grindelwald stood back up which caused Sarah, who was staring into his white and black eyes, to topple over and land on her back . "Just inform me in this, are you a No-Maj or an Auror?"

Sarah tried her best to lift her head up off the floor but failed so she tried to make eye contact with Grindelwald as well as she could and said, "I'm...a...Muggle" Sarah wished she could tell Grindelwald the truth but she knew he would probably kill her instantly so she lied and said Muggle, Sarah believed that even her being a Muggle would be better than him thinking she's a spy.

Grindelwald's whole face changed within a second. His eyes were vibrating, His skin was whiter than ever and even Sarah could tell his heart was beating quicker than ever. He quickly realised it was obvious that he was disturbed by having a Muggle in his house and tried his best to calm himself by pacing the black basement like room. Sarah's eyes followed Grindelwald's body around and tried to move her body towards one of the walls in the black room, not to escape but to try and help herself sit up properly. It was difficult to see where the wall was but she could see a tiny bit of light from under the door so she used it guide her. 

"What am I going to do with you Miss Mitchell?" Grindelwald said while turning around to face Sarah on the floor.

Grindelwald started to walk towards Sarah, staring into her eyes as he walked.

"What am ort to do now?" Grindelwald repeated. "Should I train you with dark magic to help Aurelius and I defeat The Traitor? Or should I return you? But if I DO return you, you could easily tell the whole world my plan to kill Dumbledore. So maybe death is the once real answer, ay".

"No...please..." Sarah started scrambling to her feet but failed, her heart beating fast.

Grindelwald saw that Sarah was trying to get up so he quickly placed both of his hands on her shoulders. Sarah instantly stopped trying to move and gazed blankly into Grindelwald's eyes once again.

"I'll do anything, I'll be a servant... a worker like Oris or a chef like Mildred or anything...."

"Or an accomplice to Aurelius and I's defeat of The Traitor." Grindelwald smiled once again. "You are aware that if I train you, you can't leave, just like Aurelius can never leave me."

Sarah thought for a moment if it was worth a life of possible torture just to be able to be alive, or if it was worth dying because either way Sarah knew she would never be able to see her family again. Sarah knew her decision would would change everything so she made her mind up quickly.

"I'll help you defeat The Traitor".

Very quickly after Sarah said this Grindelwald reached and pulled his wand out from his jacket sleeve and span in a circle with his wand. It was like he was painting a blue circle on the ground but with fire. This lightened the whole room up, It was a very surreal moment for Sarah, despite being a wizard, she had only ever seen things like this on the news, never in person.

"Walk to me please, Sarah."

Sarah was scared to walk into the blue, fiery circle but knew she had to in order for Grindelwald to trust her. She walked slowly towards the circle and quickly through it. The circle was boiling hot, it felt like a million kettles of boiling water had fell on her all at once.


"Shhh my dear, just keep walking through and you'll join me."

Sarah walked to Grindelwald slightly dazed once again and fell into his arms.

"Good girl." Said Grindelwald under his breath into Sarah's ear.

The pair very quickly teleported out from the basement and onto the front steps outside Grindelwald's Castle. The weather was stormy, dark, windy and rainy. It was almost as if Grindelwald making that blue circle of fire had caused the storm. 

Sarah lifted her head up from Grindelwald's shoulder and took a quick around and then buried her head again.

"There there my love, We are home now, I'll take to to bed." And with that Grindelwald lifted Sarah up just like he did when she collapsed on the stairwell yesterday and carried her up the multiple flights of stairs and into her room. Grindelwald pulled down the covers on her bed and with a flick of his wand changed her dirty white silk pyjamas to clean and silky pink pyjamas. He laid Sarah into the bed and tucked her in and walked over to the window, checked it was locked and then pulled the curtains across it to hid the darkness of the night.

"Ok Sarah, I'll come and wake you up with more bacon and eggs at about 9 in the morning, which will be in about 6 hours from now..."

Sarah was still in a lot of pain and she was still slightly dazed, "Where are you going, can't you stay with me?" Sarah wanted Grindelwald to stay not only to make him watch over her while she slept but also because she didn't trust him at all now.

"i'll stay for a while I guess..." Grindelwald returned from behind the door and walked over to the dressing table and moved the little stool over to Sarah's bedside. "I'll look after you, don't worry".

Sarah then fell asleep with Grindelwald next to her and actually felt pretty safe with him there. 

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