Part 2

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Next thing Sarah knew she was being lead by the hand out of the room and down the hallway towards the place Oris went when Grindelwald sent him to keep a watchful eye on someone named Aurelius. As they both walked down the hallway they had to walk through a small door leading to a corridor. The door was probably barely 5 foot in size so walking through it was difficult for Sarah let alone Grindelwald who looked like he was probably 5 foot 9 in height or more, not to mention they were holding hands pretty tightly so that was awkward too. It seemed to Sarah that they were walking down the corridor for about 10 minutes but in reality she was slightly dazed and scared by being so near someone who is feared by many in her home town that she lost track of the time. Every few moments Grindelwald would look back at her and stare into her eyes and give a little smile and chuckle to himself. After a while Sarah noticed that the small corridor was getting even smaller and darker. There was less lanterns and candles the further down they went. Sarah was also getting tired because by this time it was roughly 11pm and normally Sarah isn't allowed to stay out so late let alone be awake at this time. 

"Come in here, darling". Grindelwald released his grip on Sarah's hand slightly and pulled her into the room.

The room was quite small, almost like a public toilet cubical. The tiny room had 2 stools in it which were pained white with the seats covered in old newspaper articles. Sarah saw the date on one of them and saw that the date was about a decade ago. She tilted her head to the side slightly to see what the headline said but before she could read it Grindelwald pulled the newspaper away and told Sarah to sit down of the messy white stool to her left while Grindelwald sat on the one to the right which was closest to the door. From this angle it looked like Grindelwald was in a cell due to the door having gaps in it. One gap in the middle of the door which looked like a tray would slide in and out of it and the other gap near the top as if it was for people outside to view who was inside of the cell like room. There were no windows in this small room so Grindelwald lit a candle and balanced it on his left knee.

"This room is what I like to call my confession room. It is used for when I have private things to say to another person..."

"Like Aurelius...?" asked Sarah, cutting off Grindelwald.

"Who?" Grindelwald was taken off guard "How do you know that name?"

"You said his when you were talking to that little man in that room upstairs. You told that little man to keep watch over him."

"Oh ermm... "Grindelwald stumbled over his words a little but quickly became serious again. "Oh his just a family friend of mine. He, like Oris, has.... problems so I like to have him being watched to make sure he doesn't do anything silly and Aurelius has been a naughty boy before so it's good to keep track of him regularly."

"Why are you pretending to be a good guy to you're friends when you're a murderer and wanted to defeat a man named Alb..."

"Please don't say his name miss. I'm the only man who can say his name. You must call him The Traitor."

"Why The Traitor? What did he do... do to you?" Sarah looked no longer scared but concerned.

"It's nothing for you to worry about. His just a nasty man. All you need to worry about is telling me all about yourself." Grindelwald looked deeply upset that Sarah had mentioned Albus Dumbledore's name but quickly forgave her silliness and gave her another sweet smile and looked into her eyes again.

"Erm well..." Sarah struggled to think of anything for a few moments that would be appropriate to tell a scary stranger in a cell like room.

"For example" said Grindelwald noticing Sarah didn't fully understand what to say. "How old are you and what's your full name?

"Oh... My names Sarah Mitchell and I'm erm" Sarah didn't want to tell Grindelwald her real age in case he asked follow up questions so she decided to lie and say 18.

"Beautiful, Sarah Mitchell is a beautiful name and 18 is a great age to be. Although when I was 18 I was a lot more naughtier than you seem to be."

Sarah hoped that Grindelwald wouldn't ask her anything else because she didn't want him to know that she is lying about her age. Not to mention she didn't want him to find out where her family are or who they because the last thing she would want is to jeopardise their safety. She also hoped he didn't find out that she isn't a Muggle after all.

"It's getting late, Sarah. We should fine you somewhere to sleep." Grindelwald stood up and replaced the old newspaper onto his stool and unlocked and opened the door.

"Can't I go home and maybe come back tomorrow?"

Grindelwald ignored her and grabbed her hand again and replaced the old newspaper on her stool. He then pulled Sarah out of the door and back up the corridor towards the tiny 5ft door.

Once the pair walked all the way up the corridor and through the tiny door again. The little man Oris was back in the big hallway, walking up and down as if he is patrolling at an army base.

"Oris, come here." The moment Oris's name left Grindelwald's lips he began shuffling to his master.

"Yes sir"

"Can you get the 3rd room the the top floor ready for Sarah to sleep in please."

"Oh yes sir, would you like Mildred to cook something for supper for you both?"

Sarah assumed Mildred was a chef.

"Oh well it IS late but I guess if she can rustle up something quickly then why not. It might keep Sarah awake a little longer while waiting for you to get her room ready." Grindelwald kept staring at Sarah beside him while she was yawning. By this time it was nearly midnight which was way past Sarah's normal bedtime.

Grindelwald lead Sarah into the dining room which seemed to be right next door to Grindelwald's office. The kitchen was surprisingly light unlike most of the other areas in Grindelwald's castle. The flooring was a mix of big black and big white tiles chequered across the whole room. There was also a really big dining table which had 8 chairs around it. 6 chairs on either side and 2 on each end. Behind the table was a massive window which had an amazing view of cliffs and countryside. On the other side of the kitchen there was more chequered flooring and multiple dark coloured worktops with a big doubled doored fridge and white oven. Opposite the fridge there was another little women but not as little as Oris. Sarah assumed this was Mildred.

Mildred herself looked like she was possibly about 4 foot tall. She was wearing a flowery dress that Sarah would normally expect her grandmother to wear. With a little polka dotted apron on. With closer expectation Sarah saw that Mildred was stood on a wooden step stool which probably made her look like she was taller than she actually was. Sarah took a big sniff and could smell chicken soup and warm baked bread. 

Suddenly Grindelwald came up behind her and wrapped his hands around her upper arms. This startled Sarah slightly but not much. Sarah went back into her slightly dazed state while she was in Grindelwald's grasp as if he could control her consciousness. Yet again many minutes had passed with Sarah being in this state of sleepiness and before she knew it it was dinner time.

The food appeared almost like it had teleported from the stove all the way to the table. Although the table fit 8 people only two bowls of soup were full, 1 on either end of the table. The pair sat down on either end and ate their meal.

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