Chapter 2 - Melinda's Surprise

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It took thirty minutes, but Melinda was alone at last. There was nothing around her except for silence, causing her to stare at the ceiling as if she were trying to pierce through it. She furrowed her eyebrows like never before.

A bird could be heard singing outside of her window. Its voice was sweet and calm without a care in the world. No matter who wins or loses wars, birds always bring their cheer with them, for no one ever desires to enslave their will. Even in a world of magic, there is no reason to do that terrible act out of all terrible acts.

It made her shift her gaze. While looking at the beauty of nature, she sighed. She would appreciate that at any time, but if nature had been more ugly, she would not have been so sad about what would come. Several spells exist that are very convenient to this day, but some scars never heal.

In the span of a few minutes, she had arrived outside. Ignoring the bird's song this time, she opened the door of her stable. It was really small, as there was no animal in it, excluding Melinda's grey horse. The grass it didn't eat had dried out completely, which didn't matter. There was an adventure to be had, or a misadventure, depending on one's point of view.

"Alright, Bella," she started to talk, kneeling on the ground right in front of the horse, "We have to go to the soldiers' headquarters, and before you protest, give me time to explain. I can't sit behind while so many people risk their lives, especially those who mean the most to me. Maria isn't available, and won't be for a long time. It's a shame, really, that such a great sorceress is busy and gone in these dire times. Alas, we have to do what is demanded of us, and my magic can be of great help. Besides, I'm sure Jeffrey would be glad to see me."

The horse neighed cheerfully, and Melinda got ready to ride in a nick of time. Once she closed the stall door, she jumped on the animal's back and lightly kicked it into motion. A gentle breeze slightly raised her hair, which she hadn't even noticed. The scent of the long, unmown grass and the many flowers of the spring tickled her nostrils, making her smile. But it was for a short moment since the task she gave herself was an important one, so she started frowning again. She didn't have to do much about the horse because both of them had excellent knowledge of the route they had to take.

"We're here at last," Melinda told Bella as soon as they got there. The screams of the soldiers who were relentlessly running in all directions was the first thing both of them heard there. The grass, some of which the horse was supposed to eat, burned alongside the trees like someone had poured gasoline all over it, lit a notch and threw it on the ground. People in dark blue uniforms were battling the soldiers, winning by four times from what Melinda could gather. All of this caused her to drop her jaw.

"The enemy has arrived early, much earlier than we have expected," she heard Jeffrey announce to his coworkers.


"What is she doing here?!" a man screamed at Jeffrey. He was tall with short brown hair, wearing a uniform that was not the same as that of normal soldiers. It had many badges and a row of golden buttons instead of a zipper. He also had a tie to match his buttons and further establish his importance in the army. Jeffrey couldn't look him in the eyes out of shame. He understood his superior's frustration, just like Melinda did. However, she was in the middle of piercing the nearby mountains with her gaze, several shadows of her enemies glistening as she tried to cast a spell.

"I followed him without his knowledge. I just thought my magic would help," she responded, not averting the spell-casting process.

"I appreciate your kindness, Madam Grey, but I don't know how you're going to be able to help," he told her, frowning.

"Trust me. I know what I'm doing," she replied, finishing her spell.

Once he sighed, he said an order to his soldiers and led them into the heart of the chaos. The fire of the opponents had just started to rise when Melinda came as compared to the results of later times. Now, it had engulfed every flower and leaf that dared so much as to exist in the forest. The sky had become entirely red, and it was being rapidly reached by fumes that would be deadly to a person with no magic. They were creating a show, an invasive sight that would be remembered for not only ages but decades after. It would have looked great on a canvas, yet in real life, the consequences were disastrous.

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