Chapter 23 - Open Defiance

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Griselda wouldn't feel anywhere as determined the following day. Her determination didn't wane in the morning, especially because the sun shone brightly over her head and the birds sang beautifully on the edge of her window, but she could never have prepared herself for what would come later. She went to the class with mirth that only she could explain, and she was very ready to start learning the new spell Olivia had told the class about the previous day, but something didn't feel exactly right.

Olivia was fifteen minutes late for the class, and she was never that late for any class. Due to that, all the students started whispering about all the possible causes of that, and while they were whispering, a pair of heels began to echo against the marble floor. No pair of heels ever echoed like that in the building before, but they assumed it wasn't that important.

"Good morning, Miss Piers," they said in unison, but when they saw who it truly was, they stood frozen in fear.

It was the Empress herself in all her height and strength and menace, not flinching as she stared at all of them with cold and open hatred. They didn't flinch either as they stared at her in yet more fear, anticipating whatever she might do at any given moment. Inside their minds, they all prayed to come out of this alive, prayed for their family members not to grieve after seeing that they were brutalised by the Empress, and prayed that, at the very least, her vengeance would be swift.

She slowly moved a few steps forward, now directly facing her daughter. Like a scientist would study a germ under a microscope, she studied the young lady's face, especially her eyes, those mirrors of the soul, for any hint of vulnerability. Although there was much emotion in them, as opposed to hers, for some reason, there was no vulnerability to be seen at all. Like her, Griselda was simply standing there, waiting for the other woman to do something at last.

Suddenly, so suddenly that it appeared to be quick as light, she punched her jaw with her fist mightily enough to knock her onto the floor. For a couple of moments, she sobbed due to the sheer pain it brought her, the pain that came with a force strong enough to remove an alarming number of her teeth and send them bleeding to the floor. She was used to receiving such violence, so she didn't have too much of a reaction. Her fellow classmates had more of a reaction than she did - they all gasped in unison. Instead, she tried to focus on the good parts of the situation for a while, like the fact that she hadn't received a head injury of any sort.

"You traitor," Melinda said through gritted teeth the moment she stood up. "I trusted you not to do this, but just like everything else in all of existence, you're a disappointment to me. You have begun to oppose me quite a while ago, ever since the first time you tried to take your life. I haven't birthed you for all of this. I've birthed you so that you could be loyal and obedient to me, through which you were sure to live the life of your dreams, but you refused to be smart in the name of 'justice', and now that we're enemies, you shall pay. You shall pay hard for siding with Maria Thorne and nullifying everything that I've ever done for you."

Griselda's face went red. "It was always all about you, wasn't it?! I've tried to take my life numerous times, and I thought that you of all people would empathise with that, but, as always, you've managed to make it all about yourself and how pathetic and miserable you are! Bravo! Just because you went into labour twice and tried to raise one child doesn't mean that you get to call yourself a mother. Motherhood isn't about you. Motherhood is about the child you raise, and I don't think that you've done a good job. So, fine, call yourself my enemy. At least you're open about it this time."

"Wait," Jessica whispered to Sarah and the boy in normal clothes. "It wasn't a plan to lure us all into a trap?"

Griselda laughed to process the incredible pain that she was feeling. "How stupid are you?! You treated me terribly because you thought that I was dangerous, even though you also have parental issues. What were you thinking?"

"I am sorry," Jessica said tearfully.

Griselda smiled warmly at her. "It's fine. Sometimes I don't trust myself either. We won't be seeing each other after this, but I know that I'll remember you fondly. I know that we've had a rough start, but maybe you're not such a bad person after all."

Melinda facepalmed. "This whole situation is stupid. At least it's not important now. There's something much more important to do, after all."

Griselda gasped. "Wait, what could it be?! It's not what I'm thinking about, right?"

Melinda smirked. "Whatever it is you might be thinking about, I'm sure that it's correct. Since Maguire has not only refused to marry me on countless occasions, but is also rebelling against me, I must perform an attack on his people to make sure they stay in line. After that is done, I'm going to conquer the rest of the world, and then the human world as well. Beforehand, I never thought I'd have the resources, time or even a reason, but it turns out that I want nothing more than to be the greatest ruler history has ever seen. And you know what they say - whatever I want, I always get it. So, wish me luck then, for there's nothing else that you can do."

The students all gasped in unison.

Melinda stroked her chin. "You know what, I have another idea. My dear Griselda, why don't you join me? I know that you've refused to do so numerous times, but I love you and want to see you prosper. As my daughter, you'd rule the two worlds beside me, and then you'd have everything that your heart could ever desire. After the Maguires surrender, you'd marry Anthony in that situation, and your love would blossom merrily forevermore. After I died, you'd take my place and continue my incredible legacy with your own hands. So, what do you choose?"

Melinda and the rest of the students all looked blankly at Griselda as they waited for her to say something.

Griselda waved her hands in the air. "Have you gone completely insane?! I have no idea how you could ever think I'd be fine with being a cruel tyrant like you. I love preserving justice, which means that I'd rather make any sacrifice that's requested of me than join you. Now leave me alone! I'm never going to come home again!"

"Sure, whatever you say," Melinda said with a snort, teleporting away just before Olivia and Maria could reach the classroom together, leaving the students to be incapable of thinking of anything else for the rest of the day.

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