Chapter 24 - The Winter Ball

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In the following four months, nothing important had happened outside of political events and preparing for the Winter Ball, and although that lack of happenings had started to irritate Melinda, it was all worth it in the end. That night, Maguire arrived rather early, accompanied by many people, dressed in his most expensive overcoat, with delicately combed hair as well. There was a tinge of sorrow in his eyes, but she knew not where it could have come from, nor did she think it important, so she did not bother herself with analyzing it.

The stars shone with great force, as well as the moon, which caused her to broaden her smile, believing that nature too had faith in her success. She stretched out her hand towards George, and once he grabbed it, she led him to the ballroom. It was as glamorous as it had always been, and the winter-themed clothes and decorations helped with that. The room was filled with people in white, almost pearl-like, suits and dresses, the clothes of each of them having some detail that distinguished them from the rest. Everyone had words to spare, speaking them the merriest they could, laughing every few sentences, this being the sole thing that was keeping their boredom and impatience at the current lack of music and dancing at bay.

White roses, lilies and such were contained in various vases; white lights were illuminating everything from beyond; three people in chairs were playing soft music on their violins; white petals were slowly descending from the chandelier. George felt like he was young again, playing with other boys in streets which were so covered in snow that they reached his knees, running home upon sensing the inviting smell of his parents' food and hearing the little bell his mother rang while calling his name. The memory of it all made him smile, which he did not notice until Melinda pointed it out.

"You have smiled tonight at last," she said. "It must mean you are impressed with how this ball has been organized."

He nodded. "Yes, I am indeed impressed. I am even more than impressed, which does not leave me surprised whatsoever. How did you come to plan the event this perfectly?"

"It took me months upon months and a whole lot of money to arrange a costly event such as this, but do not worry yourself, George. I would do anything for this marriage," she responded while the first waltz of the night was starting to play.

He swallowed. "I have something to say-"

She shushed him. "Whatever it is, I am certain that it does not matter on this beautiful, lovely night. Let us dance for a while and not live, for living is something we all ought to take a break from once in a while."

It was an argument he could not counter and a woman he could not disturb. They commenced dancing without another word, smiling, Melinda especially so, unaware that Susanne was sitting all alone at the table across from her, glaring at her. Malcolm took out the chair next to that lady and sat over there, turning to face her, and she instinctively snorted, which he did not notice.

"Since we are both lacking when it comes to partners, may I ask you for a quick dance, madam?" he spoke, and she turned away from him.

He sat still, wondering what was going on in her head. He was confident that she was considering his request and that he would get at least some answer soon enough. After all, there is nothing shameful in wanting to have one brief dance with someone. Perhaps she was merely shocked that he said that to her, or that he had arrived there in the first place. However, there is time to try everything, and Melinda insisted that he go, which he could not refuse. He was in the right, for after several minutes had passed, she turned towards him and began talking.

"I suppose I could fulfil your request," she muttered, and with those words, they stood up from their chairs, starting to dance.

At first, Malcolm did not know what to do, but after a few seconds, he remembered all that Melinda taught him about waltzes during all those clandestine meetings in the garden. Due to that, he was dancing pretty well for someone who had never been to a ball before, and Susanne's eyes widened at seeing that. 

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