Chapter 6 - Cold

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Ingrid stepped foot in front of a small house. It was a house that brought so many memories back into the more prominent parts of her mind. Its walls were white, white as the purity of what has remained untouched by outside influences. A wavy and disorganized trail of rocks was leading to it. There were small circular windows covered with blue curtains, and the birch door was very peeled. Everything was exactly as she had remembered it.

She gently clutched the doorknob and walked into the house. She knew that she didn't need to knock. It was her family, and, just like she had expected, they were a bit startled at first. Everyone came to see who it was in a matter of seconds, for it could have been anyone from their perspective. None of them was moving, and their eyes were focused on the visitor as much as possible. However, they soon recognised her, especially because she was wearing a black coat over a purple dress, as she usually did. Her brown eyes and hair, which was neatly tied into a bun, also stood out to them. They didn't think that she wasn't really Ingrid. There was no reason for them to think such a thing. They were like an apple tree in an orchard full of those, as far as the others were concerned.

"Ingrid, you're here!" her mother shouted, dragging her into a hug. The woman's smile was full of compassion. It was clear that she had not seen her daughter for a long time. She tried to prevent tears from coming out of her eyes, but she was unsuccessful.

"We have just heard the news about what happened to my nephew. You don't suppose that man knows of our secret, do you?"

Ingrid sighed. "Mother, as sorry as I am to tell you this, I see no other reason why he would do that."

"And you don't suppose that he might reveal it?"

"I suppose it depends on how satisfied he is by my cousin's behaviour."

"But he never will be... He never could be..." she whispered, getting out of the hug to face the rest of the family.

"You ought not to worry about that. I'm sure you would behave accordingly if someone threatened your life, no matter the circumstances. He will be fine in the end."

The woman did not dare to speak a word. She didn't even have an idea what to say. None of them did. Silence hung above them like a dark cloud from which rain was pouring relentlessly. They all stared at each other, their eyes as empty as the abyss, able to see nothing except for the misery of their situation.

"Well, at least I was able to avoid military service," said a guy out of a sudden. His green eyes were glistening with a spark of happiness that couldn't be visible in anyone else's. He had short and rugged red hair, which was quite rare in the family. Most of them had long and dark hair, including Ingrid's mother. He was given birth by one of Ingrid's two aunts, the one who didn't give birth to Frank. Both of them almost always appeared to be doing something. That's why Ingrid didn't visit them much.

Ingrid's father glared at him. "Are you not concerned in the slightest when it comes to your cousin, Finn?!"

The uncaring grin of his made the man want to slap him, but he managed to restrain himself.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but I just wanted to lighten up the mood a little," Finn voiced his woes, raising his hands in the air.

"Actually, you know what? You were always a disappointment with your laziness and lack of any responsibility whatsoever! Oh, how I miss Frank," Ingrid's father told him, getting a hug from his wife, who glowered at Finn immediately afterwards.

Ingrid rolled her eyes while no one was watching. "Well, this is great, isn't it?"

"It's not my fault that you're too uptight to appreciate me for who I am," Finn growled.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Was I supposed to be happy about what you said?" Ingrid's father protested.

Ingrid was staring at everyone without moving at all, bearing a scowl that was full of sorrow. Everything looked so grey and lifeless to her, and she had hoped that for once, no one would start an argument. However, she knew it was foolish of her to expect that. The secret all of them keep locked in their hearts would not have pleased anyone unlucky enough to be a witness to such a thing. And, when she realized that Melinda may have found out before she had a chance to tell her anything, coldness started to suffocate her soul.

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