The mind can be deeper than the sea

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A tall, elegantly dressed woman looked down from her balcony to the line of monstrous guests that marched into her ship. The Maw was running like normal, nothing seemed wrong. The children were behaving, guests were being served, even the Nomes weren't causing mischief or running underfoot. Perky creatures, yes, but they reminded her of when he found one in the attic and showed it to her.

He was so proud of himself for catching the creature... she missed his smile. She missed his silly little hat collection (how he managed to carry them all always stumped her), and his want to make her happy... 

"M'lady, is something wrong?"

She spun around as she heard the rusty old voice, before sighing in both relief and frustration. "I'm fine, Roger."

"Are you sure? I could hear your sniffling," the blind creature pushed on. The Lady shook her head. "It's just allergies, don't worry about it," she answered quickly. A bit too quickly, judging by his groan of suspension. 

"Were you thinking about him again?" he asked. She glanced over her shoulder at him, a glare so serious he could feel the eyes burning into him. 

"Alright, alright, a bit too far. My apologies, M'lady." 

The two rested in a silence soon after, the air slowly losing the tension it once held as the Lady turned her gaze back to the guests. Disgusting creatures, really, but, everyone must feed... not matter how poor of table manners. Perhaps she should cut it short today with them...

Her attention was caught again as the man coughed behind her, though it seemed purposeful rather that something actually being caught in his throat. "You seem a bit stressed out," he mumbled.

"How would you know, you're blind?" she asked. He gave a small chuckle. 

"I didn't know, but you did just prove I was right. C'mon, you know you can tell me what's wrong," he stated in a rather cheery manner. 

She took a breath to calm her nerves that were previously starting to grow antsy. How could she have just blindly walked into that?

But, the old creature had a point: she could tell him. She told him everything else in the past thirty or so years, why not now? 'Because it was all your fault' a voice whispered in her ear. 

"I did it to protect him," she whispered ever so faintly under her breath. The Janitor tilted his head a bit at her, confused as to what she mumbled. 

"I'm sorry? I believe I'm missing something, M'lady," he said in a confused, yet curious tone. Right, he didn't know everything, she'd had to explain it all before tell him the nitty gritty details. 

'Another day, now it's a good time,' she thought to herself. 

"Roger, do you remember why I came here?" she asked. The Janitor nodded, giving a small groan of displeasure. 

"Yes, yes, I remember. You chopped my arms off," he stated in a firmed voice.

"Hey, I said I was sorry!" She barked, before taking another quick breath, calming her nerves, "But... before then, I use to have a special friend with him. He was so nice, always worrying and looking out for me when I needed it most. We were very close... very, very close... but one day, I..." 

She blinked back a tear, the memory of him flashing her a smile from under his bag making her imposing demeanor break. 

"I... did something horrible to him. I don't even know if he is alive... I doubt it, no normal person would have survived a fall like that." 

The old man gave a hum, tapping a finger on the floor under him. "By the sounds of it, he didn't seem so normal. In all the years I've known and served you, er, no offense, M'lady, but you're not the easiest to tend to," he stated. She looked over to him, about to say something before rethinking it. Yes, admittedly, she could see herself as hard to please person-- but that didn't matter! 

But he also had a point: now that she thought about it, Mono was never really normal. He had his TV powers, something that was both a blessing, yet stupidly annoying with how often she had to pull him out of the screens.

If he didn't have them, she never would have got caught, they would still be together, having adventures, and sharing hug and holding hands again. 

But... she also found herself blaming herself a heartbeat after. She could have gotten him out faster, if it wasn't for how injured her legs were from that stupid couch falling on her. Damn you rain and weak roofing. 

"So, say he wasn't normal... would he still be alive?" The Janitor asked. Confused, she glanced over to him once again, snapping out of her thoughts.


"If he wasn't normal, would he have survived whatever you did to him?" The Janitor tried again. The Lady ran the thought once, twice, no- thrice in her head. Then it clicked. 

Of course he would have survived! If he truly was *him*, then that meant... 

"Roger, you genius!" She chimed. The long armed man seemed a bit confused by her sudden announcement. 

She dropped down, pulling him into a hug. Hugging... that's definitely not normal of her. He awkwardly cleared his throat, patting her on the back. 

She let go soon after. "But if he is alive, that means he'll try to stop us, like the Thin Man before him did." 

"Thin who?"

"I'll explain later, in the meantime, how much of the pervious Lady's powers are you familiar with?" 

The Janitor gave a shrug, making a 'ehh' noise as he thought. "Quite a bit, why?"

"Could she, say... use it to travel in the past?" She asked in a quicker manner. Roger took a moment, bringing a hand to his chin in thought, for a moment, the Lady almost picturing his thinking look under the bandages around his head.

"If you want to call it that, yes, but she didn't use it quite often if she did. Do I even want to ask why?" He asked in a suddenly nervous manner, 

She jumped up to her feet, the bottom of her kimono flaring for a second from the quick movement. "I'll explain later. Thank you, Roger!" 

She made her way off the balcony and back in to her room, rummaging around in a spare closet she had use for storage.

In no time, she found what she was looking for, smiling as she plugged it into a power socket in the wall. The TV flickered to life, snow on the screen from the lack of any proper signal.

"If I can stop you before you get yourself killed, I'd be more than happy, so don't die on me yet, bag boy."

Wow just wow.... 

A perfect recreation of the first lady chapter in she's gone made by...



now say it with me boys and girls 


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