What he failed to do

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So This actually is going to be a chapter explaining the lore on WHY mono didn't just simply go back to before the tower...He can't

A cycle is something that happens infinitely, right? But in order for a cycle to start something has to happen Said event being that six dropped mono. But what about the thin man?

Yes yes I know....Thin is mono but what if like...just before he even became the thin man just the tower, had some other being to bring it souls aka The thin man 

And what he blames himself most of the time is that when he tried going back to that point in time he's just kicked out of it because a cycle is infinite you can't go OVER or past infinity there fore, he has to go into his OWN timeline's past (His adventure with six) 

Now the guilt part

As I explained in meh story telling In order for my big thin child to travel in the past he has to go against his moral code and kill other beings as the thin man did before him HOWEVER!

He could have gone earlier

Wonder why?

Let me answer with a question!

How would he know not to try again to the thin man before the cycle unless he has already TRIED IT?

In a simple enough explanation When he tried going past the cycle he was blocked off and sent back to his own time, and now all of his actions have technically been for NOTHING.  

Because now he has wasted energy making the trip and can't do it again unless he's stronger.

Therefore he has to kill more kids and adults to GAIN that power!

A part of him that he fears most manifests more clearly to him now

(If you go back to The original she's gone "Letting anger" out he describes it as (I'm Just worried if I go all "Thin man" again...")

This would be the part of him that has ZERO hesitation to harm anyone he sees in his path or in his way, Which is why I made the past sins series so you could each see how twisted his mentality can actually be and how BADLY he has to restrain himself. 

Which is why often in the moment of other books with him you can see just how violent he is even when restraining himself, however sadly for that part of him it will never get loose....

Mono, sweet inocent mono's nature isn't ever harming someone it's helping and there's more a majority of him actually being SANE rather than the opposite 

Proof of how violent he is, is during the Crossover chapters (Crossover to dreams) After being pestered on WHY exactly six would drop him, SGT (She's gone thin) Yells, scolds, and snaps at It was all a dream mono On how badly he wished it never happened but happened anyway.Thin man's speech: "YOU HAVE ZERO CLUE HOW BETRAYED YOU FELT WHEN THIS HAPPENED! HOW BADLY I TEMPT MYSELF TO STRANGLE THE LIFE OUT OF THE GIRL SITTING NEXT TO YOU SOMETIMES BECAUSE ALL I SEE IS THE PERSON WHO LET GO! WEATHER WE LIKE IT OR NOT SHE DROPPED US THAT'S THAT GOT IT?!" 

Another thing is that mono personally didn't care about anyone other than his friends and when he had lost everything for too long (His time in the tower Explained in the garden chapters) He tried ending it all only to cause himself more suffering because of his new body structure, and the tower's influence he broke every bone in his body except the vital ones he needs to stay alive, and was forced to lay there until his healing factor (Speed physical healing) To kick in at it's max 

To explain sciences behind it naturally a person who breaks their bones like this is... well dead but if that person's physicality is BEYOND average they could still maybe get prostetic limbs or simply be in a wheelchair. However (again) Despite the thin man actually surpassing world records of strength 

The strongest man to ever exist could break a perfect METAL hunter's knife with his bare hand, He could also bend metal poles  from the prison bars during the time he spent there in a matter of minutes

SGT can surpass that by ripping metal into shreds like it's a twig and can send people flying with just a backhand! 

Therefore his cells are more advance then any natural human being and also confide his density by a tenfold.

The amount of time he would have to stay in that sort of immense pain is at MINIMUM three weeks or two months

So what do you get with someone with imense anger issues, no full will to live because of his own guilt and stupidity, AND someone with superpowers beyond comprehensible being...

You  get one very sad man that doesn't even have the power to take his OWN life 

In a nutshell She's gone Thin man fears letting others down like he already HAS, and fearing that one day he will snap and harm someone he truely does care about, along with other innocent civilians. 

Alright... that's it This Is how I explain SGT's mentality

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