A new begining

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They walked on the now warm road of pale city the sun for once shining down on them both after so long...six inside was happy she could stand by her friend's side again, however she would have to earn the title of friend again from him for her actions. So while they were walking she thought about what he looked like and asked "Hey...why do you wear you fedora so far down?" "Likely the same as you wear a mask but why don't you tell me your reason." Mono responded. Six thought the question was a little insensitive but he deserved as much...god...he deserved much more than he had recieved she thought.

"Well...I just could never stand the person in the mirror." said six out loud "Why is that six?" asked mono. "I think we both know the answer to that question mono!" She said quite loudly and insensitively on her end. She felt a sense of guilt upon her after and apologized "Look i'm sorry... but I have been, and will never likely be comfortable with my face, ok?"

  "You realize i'm going to want you to show it me at some point correct?" he said Six nodded in response and they both continued walking, the sun was setting and they both were near the dock of pale city, since six knew they would take a good while to resurface above water she offered him something, "Hey wanna sit down? It's gonna take a bit for the ship to resurface so do you wanna just enjoy the sunset?" 

"That would be nice." he responded, they sat down next to each other legs hanging off the wooden bridge, and they both stared at the sun as it slowly seemed it was sinking into the ocean. "The sun...It feels so...rejuvenating after so, so long..." said mono "Yeah It looks beautiful! especially on a day like this right?" commented six, "You haven't seen the sun either?" asked mono "Well...yeah, this is the city that always RAINS not exactly what you'd call Florida, Orlando. Why do you say that.?" said six "I remember a legend the kids always said before I became that very legend... the statement was, "the pale city shall never see the sun for as long as the thin man is sad."  And it's been raining for more than just a few months six..." 

He was right, as much as she hated to see him like this, she hadn't seen the sun here even when she was a little girl. "God..." she said "That really...make me feel terrible..." "Well your here to apologize and make amends, not to drop me again, right? said mono She snickered a bit and replied "Yeah... your right! Man... usually you would be the one to cheer me up and here you are doing it again." "I guess some things never change do they?" replied mono.

After a good while of enjoying the sun's rays and relaxing their muscles the submarine hotel known only as the maw, submerged from the waters. "Oh it's here.....! Welcome....To the MAW!" Said six excitedly. The both climbed on the ladder and opened the hatch for six to say "Ladies first..." "Six...Unless you want to kiss my cobalt blue ass, you better shut up" mono said not being able to help himself and slightly laugh at the joke for a bit. Six mustered out a chuckle and slid down the stairs with ease as mono took his time going down and they finally were at the bottom. They were greeted by a blind stubby man known only as roger if not that then the janitor. 

"Welcome mistre-eeeeee.... Who the fuck are you?" Said Roger preparing to give her a greeting but slightly worried when a tall mono with his tall body came down as well.

"Roger this is mono, mono - Roger" said six

"It's good to meet you" said the thin man reaching his arms down to shake his hand.

"Same here buddy. At least someone now understands my long arm struggles. Can you crouch down a bit?" He then asked mono obliged to his request and the janitor started tapping his face." 

"Um...roger, sir, what are you doing?" Mono asked, "Getting a good feel of what your face looks like... Echolocation you could say..." He then gestured to six to crouch down, as the thin man stood back up. Six obliged as well to only hear him whisper to her "You choose a handsome one i'm proud of you." "Roger shut up..." Six. said in a playful whine seeing as she had not even SEEN his face yet. Trying to get mono away from the janitor as quick as possible she said...

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