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In the Hokage Office

Naruto's POV

There they are....the jutsu scrolls. Forbidden jutsus huh what does that mean. Whoa there's a lot of stuff written in here I cant just memorize this, should I take this home? and then I will write everything on another scroll, after that I will place this scroll again in the same place. Ok thats it then.

Naruto takes the scroll and rushes back to his house.

In Naruto's room

Naruto's POV

Now I have to start writting it and finish it as soon as possible, reading can be done later. " what someone stole the scrolls of forbidden jutsus?"

Third person's POV

Naruto hears his Mother scream in fear. 'What they already found out? Is this thing that important?' thought Naruto. He went outside the room to see what's the matter when he saw Narumi talking to his mother. " yes kaa-san , father has already assigned shinobis to find the thief and Menma is in that group too. I have to leave too just came here to inform you about the situation" said Narumi as she left.

Naruto approached Kushina and asked her, " Kaa-san what are forbidden jutsus?". " jutsus which are banned to use or to teach are Forbidden jutsus" replied Kushina. " so kaasan, what if someone s-steals it and try to learn them?" Asked Naruto. "Well these jutsus are all S rank, ordinary Ninjas cant learn them. But even in case someone steals them , that person will be imprisoned or banished from the village" replied Kushina. "O-oh is that so..." said Naruto as he went back to his room.

'What the hell have I done, if father finds out it was me then he will be so upset. I think I should return it as soon as possible. Good that I had already marked that place with my teleportation formula which I secretly learned from my father's scrolls. His jutsus are really helpful.
I have already written a few Jutsus, they should be enough' thought Naruto.
In an instant the scroll was teleported to the place. Naruto left a deep sigh realising how big of a mistake he had done...but nevertheless he finally had his hands on the new jutsus.


Menma rushed in Hokage office when he learned that the scroll had been returned to its orignal place. " Tou-san! The scrolls....did you find the thief ?" Asked Menma. Minato was shocked himself, someone under his nose steals the top secret scrolls and returns it back like nothing happened. " yes Menma, scrolls have been returned. No pages are missing neither the scrolls are changed. Whosoever stole it must be a very skilled shinobi who is expert in infiltration." Said Minato. ' though I have a slight suspicion on someone' thought Minato.


In Naruto's room

Naruto's POV

Sooo....I was only able to write two jutsus. Let me see I didn't even see the name of the jutsus because I was trying to write as fast as possible.
So this is the first...uh what it says Reanimation Jutsu: it is a forbidden jutsu wherein life force of a person is transferred into another person to bring him back from death. However this will result in inevitable death of the person who performs this jutsu.
Ehhhh....what the hell is this Jutsu. I wanted a real powerful and flashy jutsu. So out of two one is useless, lets see next...Eternal Fire Dragon Jutsu: This jutsu when used, releases a flames from the users mouth. Unlike ordinary flames,
These flames canot be extinguished by any water style Jutsus. Flames will devour the enemy till its existence is wiped off. Only way to extinguish them is Amaterasu. This Jutsu takes a huge toll on a body, an ordinary ninja wont be able to stand its after effects and may die.

*gulps* wow....what a very fine jutsu I have received. One is a useless sacrifice jutsu and other is Do at your own risk jutsu. But I won't be defeated here. I will learn the second jutsu....The Eternal fire dragon jutsu is definitely interesting though.


Third Persons POV

Its been 2 months that Naruto has been practicing his new Forbidden jutsu. In many instances he had near to death experience while performing this jutsu, but he never gave up. Today again he was practicing his jutsu.

' today I have to do it' thought Naruto.
Fire style: Eternal fire dragon jutsu
As he performed the jutsu he threw fire through his mouth. ' Ok now I have to just do change in chakra form and associate it with wind chakra to enhance the fire. But I am never able to add wind style to it' thought Naruto as he tried hard to add wind style to it.

Finally he was able to do the Jutsu first time as he succeeded in adding wind style to it.

The tree in front of him turned into ashes in few seconds. Naruto was beyond happy but soon he hit ground. He was coughing blood, his throat was getting hot like a heated coal was buried in his throat, his body went numb, his eyes got heavy....' What is this, it really takes a huge toll on the body, I am feeling so I going to die?' thought Naruto. Then a familiar green light covered his body, soon he stopped bleeding , he was healing. Naruto never noticed this light before.
'Maybe healing abilities which my siblings too have' he thought unaware of the fact that his siblings healed fast due to Kyuubi's chakra.


After Few hours in Namikaze house.

Naruto entered his house with joy clearly visible on his face when he was confronted by Menma. " Naruto-nii san I want to ask you something". " what is it Menma?" Asked naruto. " Today I asked my friends that would they be ok if you join our group" said Menma. "So so so what did they say , did they say yes, can I become friends with them?" Asked Naruto with hopes in his eyes.
"Yes they said they would like to become your friends" said Menma.
"Yayyyyyyyy thank you when will I meet them?" Asked Naruto.
"Tomorrow after my training" said Menma.


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