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"Take this you monster" yelled a shinobi who launched a punch towards the zetsu but before he could hit him it got vanished. "What is this happening" murmered shinobis as they saw the army of white Zetsus slowly vanishing.
"We defeated Blonde Akatsuki!" Yelled a shinobi with joy jumping up and down. Battlefield went silent for a while, shinobis looked towards each other as they tried to comprehend what they were told...."Yeahhh!!, Lets goo , finally!" Screams of extreme happiness filled the battlefield, they had finally defeated the The most feared Blonde Akatsuki. After hearing the scream of the monster they had already given up on winning, they never thought that they would be able to defeat him. "I knew even though the blonde akatsuki was the strongest shinobi he can never defeat our village single handedly like other villages" said a shinobi.


As whole battlefield was lightened with victory roars and screams of joy there was a part which was completely silent, part where Naruto was being locked by Kushina's chakra chains. Naruto's eyes now looked liked Shisui's sharingan eye. "It is done Kushina-san, Hokage-sama.....Naruto is now under my Genjutsu" said Shisui as he slowly stepped away from Naruto. "W-what is this Genjutsu of yours how does this work Shisui Nii-san?" asked Sasuke "This is the most powerful Genjutsu of Uchiha clan....KOTOAMATSUKAMI. A Genjutsu which takes ten years to activate. Using this genjutsu I can manipulate Naruto by giving him an order, right now under the Genjutsu I have ordered Naruto to protect the Konoha till the end which means he will technically fight against anything that is a threat against Konoha or indirectly the world. Though he is under my Genjutsu he will act according to his own free will, he will think that he is acting on his own as he can do anything he wants but ultimately he will be manipulated by the order of the Genjutsu" .

"Does that mean he will be with us now?" asked Kushina. "Yeah until the Jutsu caster doesn't undo the Reanimation Jutsu" replied Shisui. Listening this Minato fell on his knees as he started crying 'Naruto will be with us now, finally I will be able to apologize him'. Suddenly they all were interrupted by a *thud* sound as they saw Naruto fell on the ground. Kushina and Sasuke ran towards Naruto "he is a Reanimation right? then how can he faint ?" asked Sasuke "That is the case in usual Reanimation but Naruto is a special case. For Reanimation one has to sacrifice a living host but for Naruto his own dead body was used. There must be a loophole in the Reanimation jutsu which Toneri knew....something which we dont know yet. Forbidden jutsus are all full of mysterious, every jutsu has a loophole. There must be a reason behind it" said Itachi.


Next day
Three days left to ten tails revival

It was a bright morning, word of defeat of blonde akatsuki spread around the world like fire, to celebrate this victory villagers of Konoha had decided to hold a fair this night.Identity of blonde akatsuki being Naruto was kept secret from everyone except few close ones. Only few people saw how Naruto was defeated while almost 95% of shinobis who were present at the battlefield remained unaware, it was told that blonde akatsuki has been sealed away to everyone while secretly Naruto was teleported to Namikaze house with the help of Obito's Kamui.

In Namikaze house.

"Where am I" mumbled Naruto as he slowly woke up from his deep slumber and looked around him "this looks similar to my childhood room. Is this just an illusion or..." Naruto then remembered of everything that he did under Toneri's Genjutsu, those fights he did, that destruction he did, those people he killed...most importantly the conversation he had with his siblings and konoha 13. Naruto just stared at the orange walls of the empty room with no expression on his face "this room reminds me of my I actually in my room" murmered Naruto. His voice had no certain pitch in it, it was monotonous. He then looked at the door of the room as he heard someone struggling to open the door, as soon as the door opened Naruto's eyes widened a little as he saw his mother carrying a bowl of food which had a delicious aroma coming from it. He also noticed Menma and Narumi peeking through the door behind Kushina. Kushina was just standing at the entrance, she was unable to muster the courage to walk to his son whom she had discriminated for so long "kaa-san just go already" whispered Narumi who was hiding behind the doorframe along with Menma. Kushina thought whole night about how she could confront Naruto in some took a lot of courage for Kushina to finally face his son.

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