Chapter 15:Pissed

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My Boss


I took a cab back to the house. I'm so pissed off.

I walked inside passed the kitchen and walked up the stairs.

"Candace what are you doing home"? I turned to see Cjay down the stairs eating a strawberry.

"Hey what happened to your dress"? She frowned.

"The stupid secretary spilled coffee on me".

"Did you beat her ass"?

"No I told Justin and he said it was an accident. Accident my ass she did it on purpose".

"Justin didn't believe you"?

"Nope and it pisses me off".

"Let me go to the office I'll do it".

"I don't think so Cjay go eat".

"Just go back to ghetto Candy". She said laughing walking into the kitchen.

I laughed a little and walked into the room and went to change in my room.

I threw my purse on the bed and kicked my heels off. I took off my dress and put it in the hamper.

I unhooked my bra and took off my panties and went into the bathroom and took a nice shower and washed the coffee off of my body.

I got out the shower and just air dried. I picked out my other outfit I put my hair in a bun.

I put on my outfit and then another pair of heels to match my outfit.

My phone rung. I went over to the bed and got my phone out of my purse.

Justin's picture popped up. I sighed and pressed answer.


"Baby I'm sorry".

"Yeah sure you are you don't care about my feelings Justin. She hit me on purpose and you don't believe me".

"I'm sorry baby I didn't believe you I will talk to her".

"No don't you will only make it worse".

I hung up and grabbed my purse and switched everything to another.

I walked out of my room and went downstairs. I grabbed keys off the wall.

"Chloe I'm going back to work"! I yelled making sure she heard me.

I walked into the garage and got in the car. And drove back to work.

I walked into the office and she was sitting in her sitting chewing her gum like her jaw is about to break. She was glaring at me and I just wanted to slap the shit out of her but no I wasn't.

I walked into my office and put my stuff down. And walked back to where the slut was at.

She looked at me and popped her gum.

"What". She said with an attitude

"Look here you little bitch I'm tired of you thinking it's okay to mess with me. I've been working here longer then you have and I will fuck you up. You think the next time you mess with me I'll do nothing. Think again cause I will beat your ass".

She looked at me shocked but then changed and started laughing.

"Ha now you look you short shrimp. I will do whatever the fuck I want you think I'm scared of your ass bitch your nothing but a midget and trust and believe Justin will leave your ass cause your nothing but a black bitch".

Something in my head just snapped. I reached my arm over the desk and grabbed her hair and started punching her.

"Candace stop". I heard Justin yell.

But the adrenaline in me was pumping and I couldn't stop until I felt arms around my waist pulling me away.

"Candace let go of her hair". He yelled and I stopped. And he threw me over his shoulders and went to his office slamming the door shut.

The threw me on the couch.

"Candace what they hell is your problem".

"You didn't hear what she said to me Justin".

"I told you I would take care of it now you made it worse".

I looked at him like he was crazy.

"I made it worse? Justin how did I make it worse"?

"You beat up Amy. Her nose is bleeding with a swollen lip".

"She deserved it".

"Candace no she didn't deserve". He sighed. And sat beside me.

"You know the rules of my company fighting is not allowed at all Candace. I'm sorry but I'm going to have to fire you".

I got off the couch. I wanted to yell and scream at him for taking her side but I just had no words.

"Candace talk to me".

I walked out of his office to see things on the ground and Amy looking at me with a smirk on her face like she knew this would happen.

I walked into my old office and just grabbed my keys. I needed to get out of here.

I turned and saw Justin.

"Candace I'm sorry I really am".

I walked passed him and he grabbed my arms. "Please say something".

I looked him dead in the eye and said. "Don't touch me". And snatched my arm from him and left the office. While he screamed my name.

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