Chapter 6:Family Dinner

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My Boss

4 months


Dating this amazing gorgeous caramel skin woman.

I beeped her office phone.

"Justin I'm busy. What do you want"? She said aggravated.

Did I tell you she's always mad at me. I mean I didn't even do anything I swear it was all my mom who pissed her off yesterday at Sunday dinner.

Yeah this was the first time I brought her over to my parents house and I can tell that shit was a bad idea.


"Justin do you think they will like me. I mean am I dressed right".

"Baby you look fine".

"I know Candace your stressing over nothing". Chloe said

I opened my parents front door. It smelled good in here.

"Aye little bro". My older brother Shawn said coming from out the living room.

We did our brotherly hug.

"And who are these fine women".

"MY girlfriend Candace and her 18 year old sister Chloe ".

"18 means legal". He whispered in my ear.

I looked at him like he was crazy. And he just shrugged.

"Guys this is my brother Shawn he's the oldest".

"Nice to meet you". Candace said shaking his hand.

He smiled. "Pleasure is all mine".

"How long will it take until dinner I'm hungry". Chloe said louder than I guess she thought she was going to actually say it.

Candace said something in her ear. And Chloe said something back.

"Well dinner will be ready in thirty minutes". Shawn said

"Dad and Jesse and his wife are in the living room". He said walking in towards the living room and we followed him in there.

"There's my boy and his beautiful girlfriend". My dad said getting up from his chair.

He hugged Candace first.

"Hi Mr.Hale".

"And who is this young lady".

"My baby sister Chloe".

"Nice to meet you".

"You too sir and you look young to be having so many kids".

He chuckled and my brothers and I groaned.

"You know I get that a lot".

Jesse cleared his throat.

"That's my older brother Jesse and his wife Jasmine".

"Hello". Candace said then she nudged Chloe

"Oh hi".

"Dinner is ready". I heard my mom say from the dining room.

"Finally". Chloe mumbled.

I held Candace's hand and then pulled her in the dining room.

"Justin it's good to see you today". My mom said giving me a hug she looked at Candace up and down.

"Hi". She said dryly and put out her hand.

"You look familiar. Have we met"?


Candace shook it unsurely. My mom didn't even say anything to Chloe and Candace looked at me and I just shook shook my head.

I pulled out Candace's chair and she sat and I pushed her in.

We said grace and started to eat.

"So Candace how long have you and Justin been dating"? Shawn asked?

"Four months". She smiled which made me smiled.

"Candace how long were you Justin's assistant before getting in his pants". My mom asked making us all choke on our food.

"LAURA"! My dad yelled and she just shrugged.

"If you want to know Justin and I haven't had sex yet and I've been working with him for almost two years". Candace said

She rolled her eyes.

"So what makes you think your good enough for my son".

"Mother". I warned. She just waved me off

"This old lady about to get a ass whopping". Chloe said making Shawn laugh.

Candace whispered something in her ear. And Chloe just nodded.

"Mrs.Hale Justin and I have a strong connection I will always be there for him no matter what he's my rock and I'm his. We make each other happy and I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend". She looked at me and smiled and I grabbed her hand smiling back.

"So where are you parents and why aren't they taking care of your daughter and your bills cause I know your living in a small ass apartment".

Chloe got up and ran out the dining room and soon you heard the door slam.

Candace stood up.

"Look I'm tired of you disrespecting me for your information my parents died two years ago in a car accident and I take care of my sister and you know your a bitch and I won't be coming over here ever again".

Candace stormed out of the house.

"Mom that was fucked up". Shawn said leaving the table.

I was heated.

"How dare you talk to her like that. You don't like her why? Cause of her color? Mom I don't care what you say Candace is my girlfriend and I will keep seeing her I don't care if you hate her for the most stupidest reason but she makes me happy and I love her".

I went after Candace but her car was gone.

~End Flashback

Candace was still upset from last night and I can't blame her.

"Please come to my office".

She sighed and beeped out. Soon she was in my office.

"Come here".

"Justin I have things-".


She walked over to me and I sat her on my lap.

"Baby I'm sorry about what my mom said I never knew she would take it so far".

"She made Chloe cry like she doesn't know how long it took us to continue with our lives without them".

"I'm really sorry baby".

She sighed. "I shouldn't even be mad at you. It was your mother not you that said all those things to me. Like does she not like me cause of my skin or cause I'm not like you guys".

"I can't really tell you baby. I have no idea what goes through her mind".

She put her head on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry". I held her tighter.


So I'm bringing this story back hope you vote and comment.

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