Chapter 17:Found

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My Boss Found


The next day

I realized that she took one of my cars. So I tracked my car number and found out she was at a little cafe.

When I got to the cafe she was sitting there drinking coffee. I walked over to her and sat down in front of her.

She looked up and was about to say something but I stopped her.

"Look baby I'm so sorry I didn't mean to take her side I should have never done that I should have fired her as soon as you told me what happened I should have do something. Baby I fired her as soon as you left. Candace I know your upset that I fired you but that's the company policy".

"Justin you hurt me really bad like how could you do that to me".

"Baby I'm sorry I truly am and I promise to make it up to you".

"But I don't have a job at all Justin you fired me remember".

"Yeah but I have an idea". I said smiling.

"And what's that".

I grabbed her hand and walked out of the cafe and started walking.

"Where are we going".

"I remember when you first started working you said you always wanted a hair nail shop".

"Yeah I did".

We walked a little way until we were in front the shop.

She looked at me speechless.

"J-Justin". Tears were running down her face.

"Candace's 3 way shop".

"3 way"? She asked

"Nails Hair and A Spa".

"It's bigger on the inside". I said pulling her inside.


I can't believe Justin did this for me. The nails area was on the left side both the manicure and pedicure station. The right side was the hair station it had the chairs the blower chairs and the sinks with the chairs.

And in the back was the spa it had the massages and the pool and mud bath and everything. I want to relax now just looking at it.

"How when".

"Well I started this when we started dating and the grand opening is Saturday".

That's in a few days.

I hugged him tightly. "Thank you so much Justin".

"Anything for you baby and I hired workers already it's going to be huge baby you will meet everyone Saturday morning".

"Justin your amazing. Thank you thank you thank you".

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him.

"Come on your sister she is crazy she said if I didn't find you she will burn my clothes. And she burned a suit before I left today".

"Awww baby I'm so sorry".

"No it's okay she sticks to her threats she did what she said".

I laughed. "Yeah she's like that. One day when she got bad at me she burned my favorite shirt and shorts".

He laughed a little. "What happened".

"She got her ass beat by my mom. My mom was so upset but she's lucky I didn't". I smiled.

He grabbed my hand and we went to the my car. He opened up my door.

"I'll see you at home baby". He kissed me then closed my door for me.

I can't believe you got me my own shop. I got my degree awhile ago but couldn't do anything about it so I had to start another path. That's how I ended up being a assistant.

I got home before Justin. I mean he was right behind me but after a couple of lights he was gone.

I walked into the house. It was about ten in the morning. I could smell breakfast meaning the chief was cooking or finished. I walked in the kitchen to see Chloe eating french toast.

"It smells good in here".

Chloe turned around and smiled and ran over and hugged me.

"I was so worried Candace how could you leave and not take me with you".

"Chloe you are old enough to be on your own for a few days plus you have people that cook and clean up for you and Justin wouldn't hurt you".

"Yeah but he hurt you".

"He did but we are good now and he bought me my own store".

She sat back down in her seat and looked at me confused.

"What do you mean"?

I smiled and sat beside her.

"Well Justin he bought me a nail hair spa shop on 73rd and it is huge and it opens Saturday well the grand opening is Saturday".

She smiled hard. "That's amazing I can get my hair and nails done and go to the spa for free".

I shook my head and laughed. "Just cause Justin is the owner and I'm the manger doesn't mean anything".

"Yes it does I gotta call Chrissy".

She got up and headed out of the kitchen. I turned

"Wait Chrissy isn't here"?

She stopped and looked at me. "No her and aunt Marissa are with Shawn for the day you know to get to know each other".

I smiled. "She likes him".

"I know this would be so cool like auntie dating your boyfriends brother meaning she would be like your sister in law if you guys got married".

"No just our kids would be cousins and just like now".

"But they would be first cousins though not second cousins but would be if umm-".

"Your confusing me and yourself just go call her".

She had a look like she was confused and thinking.

"Yeah". She said slowly.

"I'm gonna go and do that". She walked out of the kitchen and I walked over to the refrigerator to get a bottle water.

I heard the door close. Making me slightly jump.

"Candace"! I heard Justin yell.

"Kitchen". I yelled back. I walked over to the island and grabbed a muffin.

Justin walked into the kitchen with some fruit what are they called again edibles.

"Justin what is this for". I put my muffin down and walked over to him.

He placed it on the table and grabbed my waist gently.

"Baby I'm sorry about everything".

"Justin you don't have to keep apologizing I forgive you".

"And I love you".

I smiled.

"I love you too".

He pulled me closer and kissed me.

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