Chapter 2:I Can't Believe She Said That

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My Boss


I was sitting in my office when Candace walked in.

"Mr.Hale I'm going to lunch".

"Alright". I said smiling.

She just closed the door but then opened it again.

"Do you want me to get you something since your girlfriend canceled".

"Yeah that would be great".

She smiled at me.


"Yes sir".

"Why don't I just join you".

"Join me"?

"Yeah I mean I have to eat too right".

She looked nervous like she was trying to think of something else to say.

I grabbed my jacket and walked over to her.


We got to the diner and sat at a booth. I could tell she was nervous. I just let out a chuckle thinking about her little session today.

"What"? She asked

"Nothing. So are you single".

"Yeah I don't have time for a boyfriend".

"I don't give you that much work". I said joking.

She smiled. "No it's just I have to act like a parent since I have my little sister. Driving her to school picking her up making sure she has everything she needs for basketball. Going to basketball games".

"Well I see you have a lot on your plate".

"Yes I'm trying to make sure I can get her into college so she is well educated and get a great job".

"You know something Miss Taylor"?


"You are an amazing girl doing all this for your sister. I mean adopting her and taking care of her while you have your own life. You are just simply amazing".

She blushed. "Thank you but it's very hard because I don't have the money to do everything for her".

I thought for a minute. "Why don't I help you".


"Justin". I told her

"Justin I can't ask you to do that. I mean I can manage".

"Candace tell me what you need money for".

"I have bills and I want to send my sister off to college and I want to be able to get her everything she needs I mean you pay me a lot it's just my bills are high".

"I'm going to help you".

"Please don't". She begged

I sighed and groaned. "Alright Candace I won't help". I lied.

I don't care what she said I will help her. Like I don't know why I just am so attracted to her but I have a girl.

Our conversation went on for an hour. She is a great girl. She's amazing like I said very independent and she's funny sweet and thick as hell.

"You ready to go"? I asked

She nodded and got up. I followed her and we walked to my car.

I unlocked the car and we got in.

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