Chapter 16:Gone

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My Boss Gone


I have never seen Candace so upset. I've never seen Candace out of character like that. She didn't even say anything to me when I fired her. I know she's my girlfriend but i couldn't let that go.

I walked over to Amy's desk she looked up at me and smiled. I just stared at her coldly.

"You're fired too".

Her smile dropped.

"What why I didn't do anything. That black ghetto girl started it all she pulled out some of my real hair I didn't do anything".

I looked at her and got closer that I was face to face with her.

"Don't you ever and I mean ever talk about my girl that way. You have about a minute to get your stuff or I'm calling security".

She rolled her eyes. "Whatever Justin call me when you dump that bitch".

"Never in my life would I call you". I walked back to my office. And grabbed my stuff. I need to fix things with Candace.

I got home as fast as I could.

"Candace"! I yelled.

I looked everywhere for her yelling her name. "Candace"!!

I was frustrated and sat on my bed.

Chloe walked into my room and if looks could kill I would be six feet under.

"What did you do to my sister she called me crying saying she won't be home for a while".

"Wait what do you mean she won't be home for awhile".

"I don't know but she was crying what happen. It was that girl at your job she said she spilled coffee on her and you took her side".

"I didn't take her side I just-". I sighed and I rubbed my hands over my face.

"I did I should have listened to her damn it I'm so stupid".

"Yeah you are and if my sister is home by tomorrow I'm burning one of your suits and a pair of shoes and if she isn't here the day after tomorrow I'll do it again and again and again until she gets home". She glared at me and walked out of the room.

I need to find her but how.

I know short but next chapter will be longer trust me

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