Chapter 5:First Date

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My Boss


"Justin what am I suppose to wear"? Candace asked over the phone.

"Something that you can easily take off".

"I hope your not thinking of having sex Justin".

I laughed. "Yeah I'm thinking that but no I told you we are going swimming after".

"Okay". She laughed.

"I will be there in two hours and don't wear makeup please".

"Justin I don't wear makeup".

"What? You are gorgeous to the max then baby like damn I like that".

She giggled. "Thank you Justin".

"See you tonight baby".

"Bye Justin".

She hung up and I put my phone on my desk.

"Son I see you really like this girl". My dad said coming in my office.

"Yes I do she is amazing".

"So where are you taking her tonight son".

"I'm going to cook for her at home".

"Oh now that's a good way to win a girl over".

"Do you think it's weird that I was falling for her and I wasn't even dating her"?

"Not a all. She's a real women unlike that girl. Uhh what's her name umm. Ashley Avery Amber"?

"Amanda dad".

"Oh yeah right her she's a piece of s-".


"Sorry but you should bring your fine fine fine-".


"Sorry son but bring over Candace on Sunday for dinner".

"You really think I'm going to bring my woman to a family dinner with my mom and my older brothers".

"You like Shawn it's just Jesse that you don't like".

"Cause your so is just like your wife".

He laughed. "Yes that is true but you are bring home a beautiful young lady who everyone should love. I know I do". He smiled.

"Dad really".

"If I was younger I'd probably take her from you".

"Goodbye dad".

He chuckled. "See you Sunday son". He grabbed his jacket and left.

Man he's a trip.


"So you going out with The Justin". Chloe said sitting on my bed.

"Yes but I don't know what to wear".

"He said something nice and your swimsuit".

"I have two hours let's go shopping".

"Am I getting something too".

"Some food yes". I laughed.

She stale faced me.

"Come on".


After we got back from the mall. I didn't really get anything but a new bathing suit.

"Sis he is going to love your bikini. He will attack you". She smirked.

"No he isn't". I said laughing.

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