Old Acquaintance

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The next day, Xiao Zhan went back to the apartment he shared with Yibo. He left in a hurry and didn't take his phone with him. He needed a few of his personal belongings to take home with him. When he arrived, the sight in front of him made his steps falter a bit.

Ziyi was standing right in front of Yibo's apartment. Yibo stood by the door, blocking her path into the house. They seemed to be having a conversation. From the corner of his eyes, Yibo saw Xiao Zhan approaching and gave him a smile.

Xiao Zhan didn't know if he should keep going or turn around. His steps reduced gradually and finally came to a stop a few feet away from them.

"Why are you standing there? You left in such a hurry... I couldn't reach you". He grabbed Xiao Zhan and pulled him into a hug. "What happened? Did I hurt you? Did I do something wrong?", the last two sentences were said in hushed tones.

"No, I suddenly remembered I had to see Darren so I left", Yibo didn't buy that but he knew better than to argue. He was back and that was all that mattered. Zhan had always been faithful, Yibo trusted him. If he needed to keep some things a secret, rather than forcing him to speak, Yibo would make him comfortable enough to talk about them on his own.

"That's okay. Come here... meet Meng Ziyi, we played together as children", he turned to Ziyi and spoke. "Meet Xiao Zhan, my boyfriend".

First, Xiao Zhan was taken unawares. In the previous life, he introduced him to Ziyi but he didn't mention their relationship status because his family were not so open minded. Ziyi eventually found out after she got closer to Xiao Zhan. Secondly, Zhan watched Ziyi's face exhibit every form of emotion from anger to disgust to surprise to shame and finally, she forced a smile then waved at Xiao Zhan, claiming to be 'happy to meet him'. Xiao Zhan now knew that was not entirely true. He still hadn't made up his mind whether or not to continue with this relationship, especially now that Ziyi was in the picture. Still, he couldn't help raising his guards up. He responded to her greetings and walked inside. Yibo came in a few minutes later and by the time he did, Xiao Zhan had packed all he needed and informed Yibo he would be going to his parents for some time.

Yibo didn't know why but the more things deviated from his original memory, the more uncomfortable he felt. Zhan seemed to dislike Ziyi. In his memories, Zhan and Ziyi hit it off the first time they met. Ziyi even ended up closer to Xiao Zhan way more than him. They usually hung out and he had no choice than to join them. This time around, he didn't even smile at her. About that...Zhan loved to smile but since they had sex, Zhan hadn't smiled. Could it be that he regretted doing it? Or... could it be... it was also possible for Zhan to be reborn and have past memories too, right? Yibo quickly dispelled that thought. if Xiao Zhan had been reborn, he would have found out long ago. This life may end up different but he didn't mind. As long as he had his man by his side, all was fine. Yibo didn't think too much about these subtle changes.


Zhan had been gone for 2 days and Yibo hadn't heard a word from him. His phone was turned off and Yibo was unable to sit still any longer. He had to see Zhan, to make sure he was okay. Since he was in good terms with Xiao Zhan's parents and he was always welcome, he paid them a visit.

Xiao Zhan heard a knock on the door and went to check who it was. When he opened up, he found Yibo outside. He was wearing a pink shirt on blue jeans and a white pair of sneakers. For a moment, Xiao Zhan forgot all about his past memories. Once he saw Yibo, he realized he had missed him a lot. Zhan had the urge to pull him into a hug, he reached out his arms, as if by habit but stopped in his tracks when he caught a familiar smell.

Yibo was holding a bunch of white roses behind him and when Zhan smiled at him, he brought them out to give to him. White roses always worked for Zhan. Nothing prepared Yibo for the scene that played out right before his eyes the next second.

Xiao Zhan remembered the last time he was saw that flower, his mother had cried to the point that she almost passed out. His father sounded fatigued, like he was going to pass out at any time. Darren, he was in obvious pain. Xiao Zhan never wanted to see those roses again.

"What are those? Why did you bring them here? Get them away from me, take them far from my parents..."

"Xiao Zhan, these are your favourite...", Yibo definitely sensed something wrong. After Zhan's funeral, white roses became a source of pain and sadness for him but he kept them around to remind him of Zhan and because they were Zhan's favourite. Could it be...

The more Xiao Zhan looked at them, the more he felt his heart sinking. Being made to come face to face with such a trigger, Xiao Zhan was not ready. Unlike Yibo, he had just been reborn and everything bit of feeling was still fresh in his memory. He clutched his chest, his breathing labored as he spoke.

"I said I don't want to see them! Take them away..."

His parents heard his voice and they came out. His mother tried to apologise for Zhan's outburst but Yibo said he understood and discarded the flowers. He was also relieved as he also hated seeing them.

The signs were glaring but for some reason, Yibo did not connect the dots. Also, he noticed Xiao Zhan clench his chest. He had to find a way to make Xiao Zhan have his heart checked and he had to do it soon.

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