Different this time?

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Beep... Beep... Beep...

This sound again

Xiao Zhan slowly came to. His eyes were closed but he could vaguely hear what was going on around him. Apart from the rhythmic beeping, he could hear someone breathing deeply. He felt a certain warmth wrapped around his palm...turned out someone was holding him. Could it be him? Nah, it was definitely Darren. He struggled and after a long time, managed to open his eyes slightly. An unexpected blinding light assaulted his pupils, he couldn't see anything else. Slowly, his eyes began to adapt to the light, as expected, he was in the hospital. His eyes caught sight of a certain person sitting on a couch, just a few feet away from the bed. It was his best friend, Darren Wang.

If Darren was over there, who was holding him? He turned to look and found it was Wang Yibo, he was happy but he knew that even if things happened differently, the end result was the same. He was going to die. He promised himself not to go over to Yibo's unannounced anymore if he was miraculously given yet another chance.

He wanted to call out to Wang Yibo but he knew it was fruitless, he couldn't speak but he decided to try anyway.

"Bo...baby, I'm sorry".

As he said that, Wang Yibo and Darren turned to look at him at the same time. The worried look on both of their faces soon turned to joy. Darren quickly pressed a button close to Zhan's bed while Yibo leaned over, embracing him.

"Sorry? Why are you apologizing?"

Oh, they heard him this time. Xiao Zhan didn't feel that emptiness in his heart this time around. Soon a doctor came in with some nurses to check on him. They spoke with Yibo and Darren for a while and Zhan could hear them.

Zhan knew of his heart condition and he had gone for a diagnosis a few times but no anomaly was detected. The doctor told Yibo and Darren about his condition, stating it was mild and he only had to get sufficient exercise and a good diet.

Zhan just needed to stay the night to make sure there was no problem. This seemed to leave them both relieved. Darren stayed for a bit before leaving, Zhan asked them not to tell his parents just yet as he wanted to do so by himself.

When they were alone, Xiao Zhan finally asked, "How did you know Yibo, how did you know about my heart condition? I heard you mention it to Ziyi. Even I didn't know about it"

Yibo could tell Zhan everything but he didn't want to stimulate him. Besides, if he said the truth, wouldn't he sound like he had gone insane?

"Baby, I'd tell you when you get better, I promise. But...you have to keep an open mind. If you don't believe me, it could be considered I dreamt about it".

"Now I'm even more curious, Bo, how did you know?", Xiao Zhan could tell already. It meant Yibo also had his past memories. That would certainly explain everything.

"I want to....but you wouldn't believe me".

Xiao Zhan took Yibo's hands in his, looking into his eyes as he spoke. "Try me".

Yibo's eyelashes fluttered. He took a deep breath but he was still worried, he didn't want to trigger Xiao Zhan's condition so he decided to test the waters. "I sometimes see things in my dreams, almost as if they happened in another life. They're dreams but they feel like memories. Most of them come true while others turn out to be opposite from what I see in the dreams".

When Yibo tells a lie, he can hardly look Xiao Zhan in the eyes. Of course, Xiao Zhan knew he wasn't telling the truth.

"Bo, you said I could tell you anything right, you can also tell me anything, no matter how absurd it may sound". Yibo nodded his head.

"As for what you just told me, I know you're trying to make up an explanation but...it's just too... I won't lie to you, I do not believe you"

Yibo's eyes dimmed. Of course it sounded utterly ridiculous. Thank goodness he didn't tell Zhan the exact truth, maybe Xiao Zhan would have booked him an appointment with a psychiatrist.

"But....if you tell me you've lived through this before... I might believe you".


Wang Yibo came to a sudden realization.


Xiao Zhan was discharged the next day. Before he left, his parents came to the hospital. Apparently, Yibo could not keep it from them so he had called. His mum almost threw a tantrum blaming herself for making Zhan inherit sick genes. While his father spent most of the time consoling her. They wanted him to come home but he insisted on staying at Yibo's place. For the next few days, their phones would ring incessantly as the old couple called a little too often to check up on them.

Back at home, they talked about what happened in the past, Yibo apologized for not trusting Xiao Zhan. He said he found out the truth but it was already too late. Xiao Zhan knew he also played a part in it. He wanted to explain but Yibo said there was no need. Remembering the incident with the flowers, he could tell that recalling what happened was difficult for Xiao Zhan to handle. He knew the truth and that was all that mattered. There was no need going over something that happened in another life time.

Yibo felt the need to clear the air about the previous night. "The reason you met Ziyi at my place last night, she came unannounced and she came quite late. Her car stopped a few blocks away and since my place was close, she decided to come here. When you arrived, I wasn't home, I went to help tow the car over. As for why she changed into my shirt, I have no idea. I just returned and found you on the floor..."

"That's okay Bo, I believe you".

Light...Xiao Zhan's chest felt light, as if a heavy weight had been lifted off it. Since he woke up in this lifetime, he had been carrying that heaviness in his heart. Things turned out differently this time and he was glad. As for Ziyi, who knew what she was up to.

Xiao Zhan seemed to feel a burning gaze on him, he turned to look at Yibo saw him staring at him wide eyed.

"Why are you staring at me like that?", Zhan cheeks flushed, feeling the heat from Yibo's gaze.

"I don't know why but I suddenly feel hungry".


Of course, Xiao Zhan knew the kind of hunger Yibo was referring to.

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