Prologue : Casket of spider lilies

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Spider lilies

If you ask what's those flowers means , it would come with many difference answer with different meanings from different perspective. It's funny how someone can think it as final good-bye,  some can think it as better way of parting away with each other. The way you grew up affecting the way you think about that flowers

But for him

It means devil,  oh how those colors reminds him of blood,  his own blood,  his family,  his friends,  acquitances,  lovers. It also means death , a cycle of rebirth,  a cycle of reincarnation

He dislike it but not hate it because he used to  , he lived within this feelings.  The numbness,  the emptiness,  the longing but he know he had no one now and he wish for it

His mom once said "don't hate those flowers because it means a new start,  a peaceful begining "

If he's still a little kid,  he will believe those,  hanging by those thread of words of his mother,  but he live long enough to know "new start" doesn't exist for him,  what's waiting is death

And afterlife

So he prepared this,  the casket of spider lilies with blood filling in,  giving a chill down his spine. He isn't scared because he's waiting for this moments. The winds blowing around, the moonlight shining through the little hole of crack of the rooftop

His blue sapphire look at the night sky

A bit gloomy

A small smile appear on his lips before he decided to step into the casket and rest his back onto it with spider lilies surrounding him

Spider lilies means death but it also mean peace within the soul. No hesitation to end the life,  he grabbed the knife about so slit his throat before someone stop him

His eyes open again revealing a dark eyes consuming his vision. " stop it"



"Because I wish for it and you can't stop me"

"But Takemichi-"

"Please.  Let me die Shinichiro San. "


So what does spider lilies means to you?;)

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