One ; Gloom Azure

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He raised one's of his eyelids to look on the side, the light illuminating through the windows giving an uncomfortable feelings but he choose to finally open his eyes, wide awake now. He can feel the wind breezes grazing his skin as its feel shiver hitting up his nerve.

He breath out, a simple sighs escaping before he feel Sting on his arm. Takemichi took his sweet time to landed his lidded eyes down his arm.


It was broken, and just now he realized he's been wide awake in a hospital gown with so many supporting devices besides him.

'What happened' he want to ask, confusion would be an understandable, it's been three days but he can't process.

No. He just simply avoid it, his brain can't comprehend the incident three days ago, he refused to acknowledge that.

"I went to Draken's funeral. " his ear catching the voices, he's moving his eyes to the side only to see Chifuyu sitting besides him. To be honest he didn't even realized he's here until he spoke just now.

That voices just now was trembling isn't he?

"Everything that has happened is hard to take in, it got me pondering" Chifuyu continue to talk, this time his eyes find it's way to Takemichi. The voices slightly changed there's irritated within it, the eyebrows goes up and the veins popping a bit, Takemichi can see that

"Takemichi what is wrong with you" there's lump inside his mouth when he heard that, piece by piece there's tears falling from Chifuyu.

'What is wrong with himself?'

"You met Draken in the future right... So why is he gone...? " Trembling , he can see his whole body shaking due to the explosion of emotion inside Chifuyu. "Why did YOU have to comeback when everything is going well in the future! "

Takemichi sure if he can moves, his shoulders would jump when Chifuyu yell those. Now meeting each other's gazes he can finally see the resentment inside his eyes, it's burning bright

"ITS YOUR FAULT DRAKEN KUN IS-!! " Chifuyu couldn't finish his words when he himself realized what he's about to say just now, but Takemichi know what the unfinished word was

'It's your fault Draken kun is dead'

With that his wall crumbling into pieces finally let in those information taking over part of his brain, the scenery of that night keep replaying inside. The lump , it's hard to swallow down his throat.

Chifuyu flinching, keeping his mouth close with one hand. "I'm sorry Takemichi.. "

"It's okay Chifuyu" the shocked on his face

"It's all my fault. " Takemichi admitted, his eyes are close now. There's no words exchange after that, Chifuyu cant seem to reply to that. So he just stand up and walk away

When he feel Chifuyu presence is gone, Takemichi open up his eyes again. Nothing, it's just empty inside him, just like the ceiling he's staring.

" don't blame yourself Takemichi, I did it on my own"

How can he belive those words if it's literally wrong in general, Chifuyu was right the future was fine but he just had to go back and ruin it. He wonder if he just let Mikey go would they be happy right now

Draken even in his final moments he still reassured him that everything is fine oh what a friend he is but himself on the other hand had to break the good future Draken got ahead

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