Three ; Locked Door

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Chifuyu would be lying to himself if he said he doesn't feel anything at all after vomiting those cruel words to Takemichi.  It's eating him inside on how he feel so guilty about it,  Chifuyu know he shouldn't blame his partner for Draken's death

But his pride and ego made him hurting someone important in his life,  of course he know it's not Takemichi fault but he just can't help it,  he need someone to point his finger at and if anything it would Takemichi. He's selfish to the extent and he realized that after he took the action

He saw it,  the crumbling pieces from Takemichi eyes that day,  his emotion took the best of him that his anger had finally hit the roof to blurted out the unnecessary insulted. Anger bubbling inside him when he think about it,  how can he did that?

He of all people should've know how much Takemichi hurting,  he should've comfort the another but he backfired those ideals. Hearing from Hakkai that Mitsuya also thinks the same at one point just made it worst for him

'I should apologize when he discharge and explain to everyone the real deal'

Chifuyu smile, he's determined , while walking down the street he passed by book store that made him totally stopped in his track. As he look through the transparence window he see a new edition of his fav manga

His smile widen at the sight of it.  "Takemichi would surely love this" Chifuyu quickly enter the bookstore but his movements stop when someone grabbed his arm, Chifuyu turn around only to find Hina with her worried eyes

"Hina? " His eyebrows raised,  it's odd to see Takemichi's girlfriend around here,  surely this is not her neighborhood what is she doing? Hinata gasped for an air before the tears in her eyes finally streaming down her face ,Chifuyu immediately panicked

"Wait wait are you okay???  What happened?? "

"Chifuyu kun.. " Hinata bite her lips

"T-takemichi... " Chifuyu gulped,  the next words that coming out of Hinata isn't something he want.

"Takemichi is missing,  he's nowhere to be found... "

He feels like the world turn upside down


The first thing Takemichi feel when he woke up after he faint is cold, it's so cold its send shiver around his body, his eyes open up immediately after receiving a moment of shock because of the coldness. Takemichi trembling and then he realized he's inside a container.

It's not a normal container more like refrigerator truck. Takemichi winced at the pain, he forgot his head was bleeding when he got hit by god know what. Right he got hit!

Takemichi gasped then he heard a chuckles, the tone was mocking him. He quickly turn to the sounds and there's he is standing in front of him with a long white jacket

"Hanma..." Takemichi called his name with dread filling him. Why is he here?  After a fucking two years. No way

Does he want to get a revenge from him?

"Cheer up Hanagaki , don't be scared of me. I'm only doing my job. " Takemichi got more confused as the seconds passed by , what job? What is he doing this for? . "What do you mean-"

"Good to see you're fine Takemitchy."  Takemichi was cutted short,  now he feels the horror crawling into his skin. His eyes find it's way to new voices that just showing up. Oh he never want to see him,  but here he is in front of his eyes , breathing the same air as him looking glowing

It's him

"Mikey kun.. "  there's more to it,  he can see Sanzu,  Haitani brothers, Kakucho , Wakasa and Benkei along with Koko . Koko look so disturbed he didnt even glance at Takemichi same goes to Kakucho. He look back at Mikey whos now walking to him and bend down to see his face

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