Six ; Priceless Pride

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"I'm sorry Inupi,  Takemichi friends already dead. " the words that coming out from Koko send thousand electric shock to him,  Inupi look at him trying to find an explanation.  How come?  Why??

"Mikey ordered the others to kill them. I.. I am sorry I couldn't do anything. " It's salty,  even the chocolate smoothie in front of him can't compare with the salty saliva on his mouth, he feel so sick.  "I get it, so where's their bodies?" Koko become silent all of sudden, he stilted on his seat,  grabbing the Pepsi can and pour into his mouth

He's sure his lips is bleeding by how hard he bite it.  "Sanzu.. Already harvest their organs...." 


Inupi don't know how to respond to this, a grave reveal,  Inupi quickly put his palm of his mouth area, he feels like vomiting right now, the headache is coming right into his brain. It's too much to comprehend what is happening.  It's only been 5 days since they last missing and this is how he get the news about their whereabouts

Mikey is surely crazy,  not like it's suprising he literally killed South brutally in front of everyone's salad Sanzu on the other hand suprising him.  That dude never show any sign of brutality when he's in toman but now that he following his King he become ruthless or rather bizarre

"How about Takemichi!? "

"He-" Koko can't even finish his words before someone suddenly barge into his personal space and pull his collar upwards, a shiny rage of anger come into his vision,  he can feel the killing intent from the person in front of him which happened to be Matsuno

"TELL ME WHERE'S TAKEMICHI!? " both Inupi and Koko are suprised with Chifuyu sudden interruption.  "Matsuno calm d-"

"I WONT CALM DOWN,  THAT MOTHERFUCKER MIKEY MIGHT BE THE REASON TELL ME WHERE IS HE NOW! " Koko push the side of his cheek before he realese the grip on his collar, while Inupi pulling Chifuyu away from Koko


"Fine,  he's captive in Mikey's mansion. " Chifuyu look at Inupi and back to Koko,  he was about to go out from the shop but Inupi stop him from doing that.  "Where do you think you want to go? "

"I want to go and save Takemichi.  Let me go" Koko chuckles, how naive of him for thinking like that.  "Do you think that's possible? " Chifuyu getting angrier by his words.  "Shut up Kokonoi San"

"If you want to save him we need a plan Matsuno.  We can't throw ourselves into lion deen without a proper plan. "  Chifuyu close his eyes,  try to calm himself down but the thought of Takemichi getting hurt just so painful

If something bad happened to Takemichi he's one to be blame,  he hurted him as far as to go and blaming Takemichi for the death,  he deserve to be hate the least he can do is save him from Mikey

"Okay... I..  I will hear Inupi San out,  I want to save Takemichi. Please Inupi San let's save him together. " Inupi smile and rub Chifuyu's hair a bit,  he look back at Koko who's happened to pull his tablet out. 

"I'll show you how strategic Mikey's penthouse is, where Takemichi getting captive and stuff. Please remember the route I about to show you" Both of them nodded

"But are you okay Kokonoi San? Wouldn't you got into trouble for this? " Koko chuckles

"I'm smart enough not to let Mikey find out about it,  don't worry about me think about Takemichi "

"But why are you doing this? " Koko a bit stunned by the question,  before he smile.  "As much as how corrupted I am right now I'm still sane,  he don't deserve what happened to him and I owe him a lot"

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