Eleven ; Hidden Foe

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An exasperated sighs exit from his mouth, Takemichi push his tongue to side of his cheek in annoyance,  and this action caught Kisaki's attention which is happen to sit besides him.  "Why Hanagaki? " Takemichi switch his gaze to Kisaki

"Nothing, just homework. " it's not nothing,  he knew it not when there's someone keep following him everywhere he goes,  Takemichi isnt an idiot. Since he stumbled onto that person last week,  he been keeping an eyes on Takemichi,  he know whether he like it or not he need to tell him off his sight

"So how was the task going? " Takemichi ask out of sudden,  gaining Kisaki's attention. "About finding this Hanma Shuji?  Yeah I've found him lurking in the back of alleyway,  but what do you want with him anyway? " Takemichi smile and took kisaki hand to embrace it. 

"Tetta kun. " Kisaki gasp a bit before putting a cold face,  Takemichi about to giggles from the reaction. Ah he never knew controlling kisaki was this easy,  if he know it earlier he gonna get close to him in the first place. "Do you still remember my dream? "

"About becoming number 1 delinquent? I thought you were joking? " Takemichi laugh a bit before he realese Kisaki's hand from his,  Takemichi took a while and then rest his head on Kisaki shoulder.  "I am not but apparently my purpose to be more than just that. "

"And for that to happen I need your help,  and I need this Hanma person to be on my side. " Takemichi look into his eyes and smile

"My dream is to build my own world,  of course in my dream you're there too Tetta kun. " Kisaki freeze with a red hue on his face before he nod.  "Well whatever for you Hanagaki. " Takemichi smile and look outside of the window

"He just ain't giving up isn't he? "

"That lil shit.


As soon as Takemichi waved his hand at Kisaki, he turned his back to Kisaki, dealing with his old enemy really is tiring him to the bones but Takemichi has to do that for his plan to go smoothly. His feet are now moving towards the next destination

Takemichi wasn't stupid, he knew that person was following him from afar, One of the reasons why he was sick of all this, if allowed he just wanted to disappear right now but the world was so cruel to him

Takemichi continued on his way, ignoring a figure that following him, he desperately hoped the man would stop And was desperate to get an answer from him because he couldn't possibly open his mouth about it

He is nobody, nothing to do with him


Takemichi arrived in front of the transparent door of a motor shop, he poked his head in to see if the owner was inside, and he saw a man in his 20s sitting in front of a motor that was being repaired

"I wonder if he ever gets tired of doing that." Takemichi said slowly, to be honest Takemichi was not interested in motoring his whole life was spent riding a bike or walking

Seeing Shinichiro who still alive made him feel happy. Shinichiro, the tall dark haired man never recognized himself, he didn't know Shinichiro either, only heard his rumors

The man had never done him wrong, but Takemichi's anger exceeded everything. "Tch"

"Oi aniki!" Takemichi's eyes widened at that moment, his breathing which had been regular turned restless, his whole body was now shaking violently after hearing that voice. Takemichi bit his lip and turned to run away but his feet tripped

Takemichi swore to himself in annoyance, his small body was very troublesome. "Hey? Are you okay? I saw you fall just now" a hand was extended making Takemichi even more afraid and throbbing.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2022 ⏰

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