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"I told you to be ready before six! Not at six!"

Despite the cramp in your shoulder, you shrugged it up to hold your phone to your ear, frowning at the annoyed tone of Hana as you dragged your two packed suitcases out of your apartment and turned to lock your door.

"I know! I know!" You called out to her, stuffing the keys in your pocket before rushing down to the elevator of the complex. "I'm sorry okay! I was busy working out on that extra ending you wanted!"

On the other side of the line, a scoff was heard. "Don't go blaming this on me, you're the one who delivered an incomplete piece!"

"How is it incomplete Hana?! You got an ending! Muzan was beat and Tanjiro lived!" At this point, you begun to whisper yell, elevator doors opening at the ground floor as you rushed past closed door apartments. Mindful of the people still asleep.

Leaving the front doors, waving the guard goodbye, Hana stood outside with a hand on her hip, the other hand clicking the call to end as she shook her head.

Hana, despite her threatening aura, stood at 4''9. A laughable size for such a feisty social manager. Behind her sat her parked car - a luxury next to the cars of the working class, perhaps even below working class. When you first saw it, you couldn't help but gape at the cool black steel and pristine white leather seats - now though, you'd say you'd grown accustomed to it.

"Get in, Jason? Can you put their bags in the trunk?" The woman called out for her designated driver - another luxury within her life.

The familiar man appeared to which you gave a friendly smile to, greeting him and helping him as he placed one into the trunk and you put the other one in. He grinned and opened your door, closing it and getting in himself.

Hana turned from the front passage her seat, the most recent model of the iPhone sitting comfortably in her manicured hands. "So, we have around five hours before the pre-convention events start. We're probably going to get breakfast at the hotel so hopefully you didn't eat any of your..." she pulled a nasty face. "Instant ramen before we left."

You rolled your eyes as Jason drove out of your neighbourhood. "For your information; those disgusting instant ramen packets are the only thing I can afford right now since my pay was cut."

"Oh!" She clicked her fingers, eyes brightening as she smiled. "About that, good news! Since Demon Slayer went world wide your net worth shot up a crazy amount!"

One thing about Hana was that she never lied, holding her word to the end and going through with all her deals effectively. So to hear her talk so highly about your net worth, you couldn't help but smile. "How much does that mean for me?"

"Well," she chuckled, clicking away with her long nails against her phone. "I can't tell you for certain right now since the price just keeps going up. But we're looking at around 500k."

Your mouth dropped. 500k was more than you could have ever imagined - more than you could have ever dreamed - and yet here it was; the truth that one day, soon, you'd have that in your account and you'd get to leave the nasty apartment you lived in.

"So you can finally make that trip to Jiufen in Taiwan." She winked.

Turning away from her, you watched passing cars and buildings, smiling as the cold morning sun progressively turned warmer and warmer. Excitement ran through your veins for the near, better, future.


Aman hotel had to be the most famous, most expensive hotel in Tokyo, which is why you were almost surprised you didn't consider Hana outdoing herself again and choosing a place to stay that is way out of your (current) budget.

"Hana." You gasped once out of the car, staring up at the tall building above you. "I can't afford a room here! Much less for a week straight!"

The woman laughed, heels clicking against the expensive cement below her. "Silly, who said you were paying? You're an honorary guest!"

"But I can't just stay here like that! I'm not worth the money!"

Stopping in her steps, Hana turned and raised a single straight, dark brow at you. Her hands landed on your shoulders and the most serious look you had ever seen on her appeared on her face. "You are a famous Manga author and artist. You are soon to be a millionaire. Start acting like it."

She perhaps had a point, but it's not like you had the time to argue against it - not when she turned hot on her heels and walked towards the door guard with an award winning smile. You hesitated behind her, unfreezing from your spot on the entry way when Jason patted your shoulder and gave you a smile.

"You got this." He spoke, and with his support, you grabbed your two bags and walked into the hotel.

As grand and rich as people described the hotel, it stood to its praise. Golden, wooden and black covered the interior of the main room, wooden furniture with a tired receptionist standing behind it. Hana was already chatting up a storm as two men in red uniforms approached you, kindly offering to take your bags to which you reluctantly accepted, making sure a fourth time if they didn't need help before letting them disappear through the elevator doors.

Hana approached you after a silent minute, two cards in her hand. "Here." She motioned one to you. "That's your room card. Our bags will be in our rooms when we arrive but I believe they're about to serve breakfast so it would be best to get something to eat before going up. You can take a nap then."

Like a toddler, you nodded to her every instruction, playing with the plastic rectangle in your hand. Hell, even the plastic cards felt rich.

"Thank you by the way." You spoke to her. Her brows lifted slightly, but soon lowered to a warm smile.

"Of course. It's a pleasure to introduce you to your soon to be lifestyle after all." She laughed merrily. "Alright then! Let's go eat!"

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