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the car was silent, an awkward tense silent that had you biting on the tip on your fingers.

following a deep investigation of your criminal history and a call to an old therapist, the police had decided to let you off for the time being until the court date arrived - trusting that you could show up on your own for a matter like this.

with a hum, the car drove into your driveway, the brunette that had been driving turning to look at you. "look, (name), i understand that you struggled growing up, but..."

as if it were muscle memory, you hurriedly pulled on the handle and pushed your way out of the car. leaning down to look at her through the open window of the vacant passenger seat. "thank you for your service today, thank you for being understanding with my situation but i do not need a lecture about my past." she stuttered breathlessly and you took that as a sign to continue. "this is my first case with you guys in several years. this was an accident that won't ever happen again. thank you, have a lovely day."

the door handle jingled for a second, keys twirling once and twice as you frowned at the clicking sound the door made.

you locked it before leaving, you know you did, so why was it-

the open window beside the door caught your attention, the obnoxious faces of mitsuri, inosuke and zenitsu peeking at you before a choir of voices barreled towards the door.

swung open, their mix of expressions greeted you. worry immediately flooded over you as not a single positive expression was to be found. worry and anxiety clouded their gestures.

"what is it?" you gasped, stepping closer towards the characters before you. "what's wrong?"

all three made an attempt to explain their story at once, gasping and yelling to speak louder than the other.

your frown deepened. "okay enough!" you exclaimed, successfully silencing them. looking past them, your eyes landed on shinobu and himejima who stood a few steps away with equally uneasy expressions. "shinobu?"

"it's... they..."

the door swung open as you rushed out, fast walking to the curb of your street. the sky, although still bright, displayed a beautiful mix of pink and orange hues, marking that of another wonderful afternoon sunset. you looked down your street, squinting to see if you could see any one walking to or from.


mitsuri stood a few feet behind you, her hands anxiously playing with one of her braids. "i should have told them to just wait. i'm sorry, we were just hungry!"

turning, you shook your head. "when did you say they left?"

"more than several hours ago. when those people took you away!"

your hand reached up to scratch the back of your neck, a thin layer of sweat making your nails slide off the skin rather than scratch. "that was about seven hours ago... okay, you go back inside and make sure no one else leaves please. i'm gonna go out and look for them." you instructed.

"you don't want me to go with you? i could help look!"

"no." you answered firmly. "we're already missing so many people, i don't know what i'd do if we accidentally got separated. i also need you and shinobu to help calm the others down until i'm back."

she grunted softly, bouncing on her toes as if to follow you. you smiled. "it'll be okay, worst case scenario, they're down by the pier. i'll be back soon with food for everyone."

not giving her a chance to argue more, you turned and made your way downwards towards the towns' centre.

several streets down sat a small grocery store, an older woman with an apron decorated with the name of the store stood outside carefully piling fruits into the baskets of her produce section. you cleared your throat.

"excuse me, i'm sorry to bother you, i'm just wondering if you've seen five men walking around here today at all? they all wore matching black uniforms, some with a robe, a haori. one had very striking yellow hair." you motioned what you hoped she would understand was rengoku's hair style.

the woman's eyes widened. "those five?! yes i saw them today! around ten in the morning they walked past here making a ruckus around my fruits and scaring my customers away! do you know them?!" she glared.


"... uh, no! i'm actually looking for them because they... uh... ruined! my uh... flowers! yeah, had a walk around my front yard so now i'm just asking around."

she angrily shook her head. "truly, this younger generation is just rotten. well i haven't seen them in a while but they took off in the direction of the bakery!" she pointed down the street. "go give them an ask. surely they'll be of more help than i am."

you smiled. "thank you, i will! have a wonderful day!"

"yeah, yeah." she waved you off.

down the street at the bakery, a new story unfolded.

"the curious five?" a tall man with a bushy mustache laughed, a laughter that came deep from within his cushioned chest. behind him, his team of staff also laughed. "we've been laughing about them all day. walked in looking like starving dogs, bought nearly my entire stock of bread for the day with this beauty." a wide hairy hand dug deep into his jean pocket.

pulling out, he held a single old gold coin for you to see. "this right here was triple what they bought!"

you blanked. "so you're openly admitting you scammed them?"

"scammed?!" the man flushed. "please! i undercharge my goods so folks can afford them in this area! this is their true worth!" came his cocky grin.

"that's not what you said a second ago..." you sighed. "anyway! i just want to know if you saw where they went?"

he hummed. "they were around here a few hours ago but i saw them walk down towards the water. could ask the fishermen around there."

why was this town sending you on a treasure hunt for these guys? "okay... thank you."

walking down the last street before the water, you marveled at the view of the water. a landscape of calm, glimmering, shimmering waves. in the distance sat ships. trees surrounded the sandy shore, and just before the waves stood a sole male.

"giyuu!!" you gasped. his silhouette unmistakable.

at the sound of his name, the male turned to look at you. you laughed gleefully as sand flew under your steps towards him. "god! i was so worried about you and the others, thank god you're-"

now closer, you were able to get a good look at him. tear streaks visible from dried dust and sand on his cheeks immediately caught your attention. the relieved smile on your face immediately dropping as anxiety drowned you once more.

"giyuu? what's wrong? why are you crying?"

the male was silent, mouth slightly agape as he blinked before turning to look at the water once more. the pit in your stomach grew.

"he... he..."

"giyuu." you gulped, half of you not wanting to hear the answer to your following question. "giyuu, where are the others."

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