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A/n: ok, sorry It's taken so long but next chapter I think I'll start introducing the true story line LMAO

In the blink of an eye, the day had passed and you stood in front of the large convention centre, doors wide open with mostly business men and other people of the sort filing in and out.

Hana sighed from beside you, leading you towards one of the many doors. "Today there's only VIP guests and attendees. Those who paid for the VIP tickets and people representing businesses and companies so don't worry about any crazy anime kids yet."

"They're not that bad. It's just..."

"Nerves?" She smiled. "Just breathe. If it gets too bad then tell me and I'll request for them to give you a break."

It always surprised you when she showed little acts of endless kindness like this, and you wanted to take a moment to thank her, but she had thrown an arm over your shoulder and begun talking before you could.

In front of you stood two red steel doors leading to the interior of the building. "Okay, breathe." She spoke. You did as she said, taking one deep breath in and letting it out. "And I'm we go!" Softly and swiftly, she pulled you in, entering the brightly coloured and extravagantly decorated building.

And so, your first day began.


Thankfully, the adult section of the anime fandom seemed to be a lot more interested in the overall message and inspiration of series rather than the characters and music in comparison to the ever excited crowd of children. Though you couldn't lie, it was quite boring answering each one of their questions after another.

"So the overall setting of the series is set around 1920's Japan, during the Taisho era, and is located all over Tokyo." You explained, watching as the man who had asked the question nodded and typed down something on his phone, looking up, thanking you for your answer and sitting back down on his seat.

Hana cleared her throat with an awkward chuckle. Hell, even she could admit that she was expecting something more exciting - so far you had only been asked about historical attributes to the series and the metaphors and inspiration for certain characters and topics. "Well!" She laughed, speaking into one of the two mics you had been provided. "Are there any more questions?"

Through the now rather large crowd, two hands beside one another were raised, albeit a bit difficult to see through the darkened hall and blinding lights directed towards you two, Hana smiled and pointed to them. "Yes? Please stand and ask your question."

The two people stood up, and through bright light rays and staring faces, your eyes widened at the two distinctly familiar faces.

"Hi, we only have one question but it's a rather long one."

"Ask away!" Hana cheered.

The two looked at each other before turning back to you, the girl smiling. The two students that had been at your home just weeks prior, here they were standing tall and proud. "If you were to personally have the chance to live with your characters, what would your first thoughts be one each of them?"

You hesitated, grabbing the mic and bringing it up to you but struggling to make out the words. Were they stalking you? "Uhm... do you mean as like roommates or..?"

"Anything." The boy answered this time, his partner nodding beside him.

From the crowd you could hear various amused chuckles, someone laughing out a "kids." With a lightened shake of their head.

Again you hesitated, but not any longer than the first time. "Well... uhm... I think it's obvious Tanjiro and Nezuko would probably be the best roommates out of everyone. They'd be respectful but get along with their housemates well, they'd probably become your friends pretty quickly too. Tanjiro would mother you a lot though." You laughed, earning chuckles from the crowd. "He'd probably cook you breakfast before you had the chance and bring you slices of fruits to your room if he sees you working too hard."

Slowly, the image of a smiling Tanjiro flooded your brain. You could have used a friend like him when working on the manga, reminding you to drink water and take care of yourself.

"Zenitsu would probably invade your personal space, especially if he has a crush on you. I would never trust him in my house alone. Inosuke wouldn't be trusted either but for different reasons - he'd trash the place completely and his room would permanently be in a state of disarray."

"Out of the Hashiras, perhaps Mitsuri and Himejima would be the best, or Muichiro. They'd all respect your own space and Mitsuri would probably be a lot like Tanjiro and Nezuko except more enthusiastic. I probably wouldn't be able to keep up with her sweet tooth though. I imagine Himejima would be rather reserved and quiet but would be rather easy to get along with, even more if you wish to learn about his beliefs and practices. Muichiro on the other hand would probably never be home, and if he is he'd ignore you."

"Muichiro would actually be a lot like Giyuu. Silent, distant, cold, but respectful and if you really needed their help they'd hopefully make time to see what they can do. On the contrary, Rengoku and Uzui would be such disastrous roommates, and not in the inosuke way. Rengoku would make a lot of noise, he'd wake up super early too, so unless you're ready to wake up at five in the morning to loud obnoxious footsteps, humming, whistling and cooking then steer away from Rengoku." You hadn't realised there was a smile on your face as you spoke, but you couldn't help it. The crowd seemed to be enjoying it too, cheering, agreeing and laughing along. "Uzui would always bring his girlfriends home and they'd make a lot of noise, and not the Rengoku kind." You grimaced at the thought. "He'd also just be noisy in general and probably wouldn't respect your personal space - he'd barge into your room at any given moment just to annoy you like a younger brother."

"Actually, now that I think about it, Shinobu would be a great roommate. She'd respect you and be sweet, maybe even befriend you, but she'd never baby you like Tanjiro. She'd let you do your own thing with reminders to take care of yourself and only step in if it's necessary. You'd probably befriend kanae, kanao and aoi with how much she invites them over."

"The ones you'd have to be careful with is Sanemi and Obanai, it could go great with them or it could go horribly wrong. You'd probably grow to have a love hate relationship with them, respecting each other's space, not always getting along the greatest but always being there for each other if the other needs help. Obanai would probably take more time but Sanemi would definitely go pick you up if you're drunk on a night out."

Catching yourself in your rambling, you turned to the crowd, the two kids still standing among the smiling crowd. Perhaps that was more entertaining than you thought. After a second, the two thanked you and sat back down - and before you knew it, day one of ComicCon had ended.

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