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The circumstances were unfortunate for had this been any other scenario, you would have been over the moon meeting a character you held as dear as you did Kagaya. Despite his rather short time in your story he was a character you loved and wanted to give an important role to.

He was, in a short explanation, everything you wished you could be; calm in stressful situations, peaceful, beautiful and happy. Despite all his hardships and struggles he remained humble and level-headed. Perhaps he was the personification of you deepest desires and insecurities - what you could have been without the mental strains and life unfairness.

"Master..." Sanemi breathed out before promptly dropping to his respective bow. The rest took little to no time to do the same, leaving you to panic and quickly do the same.

Kagaya laughed, patting your head and beckoning you to straighten up before him. "There's no need for you to bow to me, if anything it should be the other way around." He smiled.

The sweet moment was short lived by Obanai's poisonous words; "Don't insult yourself like that master. Something like that doesn't deserve your respect."

"Don't say something so ill about someone who has shown you so much mercy and given you so many blessings." He said with a smile.

Your body froze, even if he meant it with good intentions you could already hear the screaming that was about to ensue with them. 'Blessings'??? What blessings? All you've ever written them was hardship and pain, a stronger body maybe, quicker reflexes, but you really doubt they'd choose the physical capacity they have today over the happiness and peace you took away from them - even if you didn't mean to.

Rengoku looked up and hummed. "With all due respect to you master, although I wish to keep peace between everyone we must admit that what this person has done to us, intentional or not, has done more bad than good."

"But they've done good nonetheless, have they not?"

Kagaya had a very odd way at looking at life.

"You should be thankful for the blessings we have gotten, no matter how big or small."

To some degree, it sounded as if he believed he did not deserve the blessings life had given him. Late twenties and on his way to his deathbed and he believed that the very small number, a number you could probably count on one hand, of blessings that he had, he did not deserve.

It was almost saddening and it made you itch at yourself for not remembering to grab another piece of paper and rewrite his story as well. It probably didn't even do anything in their reality, demons probably still exist and even if they returned nothing would change but there was still the guilt about not giving that small amount of effort to remember to fix his too.

The room was quiet, for one the hot headed Hashiras had nothing to say. How could they? It was Kagaya talking, not like they'd defy his word. So taking the silence as acceptance, the blind man nodded with a smile. "Very well, now that we're all calm let's start discussing what happened."

Questions were thrown and theories were shared, for the most part you were excluded from conversation with a crippling suspicion that it was due to the hot headed Sanemi being one more word away from possibly killing you if you spoke. The only times you'd speak was when they asked about your reality and if anything out of the ordinary had happened days or perhaps weeks prior to them entering your life.

"No." You shook your head. "Just work. Nothing else."

Kagaya nodded. "Nothing weird with work? Perhaps family or friends? Maybe you saw something weird around the area?"

"I don't keep in contact with many people, mostly just my boss and publisher. The area has been pretty quiet but that's nothing out of the ordinary, businesses were normal and neighbors were the same as always."

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