Chapter 3- Surprises

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It wasn't clear, where to go find Suguru, it wasn't clear if he actually wanted you to find him anymore, he had so many occasions to ask you to go with him, to take you. You wanted to, you had to, you so much wanted to have something normal.

"Hey, earth to (y/n)!" Shoko looked at you with worried eyes. "You really seem to be somewhere else today."

It was true, you were so caught up by your thoughts these days, the down to earth girl you once were was nowhere to be found. It affected you greatly, bad sleeping schedule, your thoughts never letting you sleep, or be in the moment anymore.

Today you were in school, Gojo convinced you to come, it was a long time since you attended classes like you should have.

"Well, I was just thinking, sorry Shoko." you gave her a small laugh, trying to convince her you were alright.

"You are thinking too much these days. We should go drinking to cheer ourselves up!" she hummed as she stood up, now next by your side, motioning you to stand up. "Come on, it will be fun! Utahime and the others from Kyoto are going to be here, we are going to have some fun!"

You could only smile at Shoko's attitude, she was always so gloomy, but you knew she was trying to make you feel better.

"Yea, fine." you shrugged her off. "If we're finished for today, I'm heading home." you waved her goodbye, heading out the class.

"No, wait, don't you want to have a cigarette break? I'm exhausted." she took your hand, trying to pull you to go with her.

"Uhm, no, thank you, I think I'm fine." you slipped out of her hold, leaving her in the empty classroom.

The corridors of the building were empty, your steps ecoing through the huge complex. As you got outside, the late autumn sun was shining brightly, the light filling your vision. You took your phone out, no messages from Gojo. It was unusual, since he loved showering you with unwanted texts, telling you literally anything that happened to him during the day.

He wasn't in school today, he had missions to attend to, so you were sure he would call after that, putting the phone back in your pocket. Walking towards the middle of the city, life started to appear, as people were heading to work, going home from school, the busy streets of Tokyo making you jealous how people who were oblivious to curses, jujutsu itself was a curse.

You sat down on a bench, taking the pack of cigarettes out of your pocket, lighting one.

"I shouldn't lie to people." you sighed as you lowered your head, exhaling the smoke.

"No, you shouldn't, but where is that going to get ya?" a familiar voice breaking your thoughts.

It was Mei, she was visiting Tokyo too, with the other Kyoto students.

"If money is involved a little lie can be accepted here or there can't it?" she said smirking, sitting down next to you. "I suppose you plan to skip the drinking tonight, huh?"


"Well, I've got some news for you." she turned to you, getting close to your ears, whispering. "I've heard you're searching for someone."

'Huh? How does she know that? Did Gojo let something slip? He shouldn't know that either, though.' you started to get worried by her words, they shouldn't know anything related to Suguru, no one was supposed to know you were searching for Geto.

"What do you mean, Mei?" you tried to act as oblivious to her words as possible. "You seem really shady." you laughed a little, but you were getting nervous.

"Oh, you know what I mean, your little boyfriend who you're searching for." she gave you a small smirk. "I've got information that might interest you. But it has its price, as you know."

Cursed love [Geto Suguru] [Gojo Satoru]Where stories live. Discover now