Chapter 22 - We'll meet again, until then

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After your encounter with the child, you didn't even remember anything he said. Only that you were in Sendai city. You were never here before, not even on a mission. How did you get here in the first place? It was all really confusing as you ran. You only ran and ran but to where? Your destination would be Tokyo, but you can't run over half of the country. You had to organize a plan, but how after that witch is after you?

You were out of breath, tired from all the running and fully wet again. You slowed down in front of a conviniance store, arranging your messy hair. There was no way in hell that you could seem normal or to be taken a little bit seriously, you already knew, but you had to try.

"Hello. Sorry, can you please tell me where the train station is?" you stepped to the counter, where a girl probably your age was behind. 

She eyed you up and down, a weird expression on her face. "Hello. Yes. You go right and sfter that only straight. But I'm not sure they'll let someone like you on the train. Just look at yourself." she said with pity.

"Ugh. You are right. Do you think I could borrow some money from you?" you said while activating your ability, slowly. You couldn't only manipulate literal blood outside the body, but inside the body as well. The blood from her brain disappeared slowly, making her faint. It was a humane way, this wouldn't kill anyone. 

You stepped over the counter, making sure to cover your face nicely, not to get caught. 

"Thank you." you said leaving the store. Now your only hope was that she wasn't already at the train station, waiting for you slowly, but surely.

The road to the station wasn't so hard to find to your surprise, maybe you have calmed down a little bit after the whole ordeal with running away. Maybe she won't find you if you don't really use your powers. Maybe there was hope.

The thing is, there wasn't.

She knew what you planned, leaving by train, she knew a girl like you all too well. How naive of you to even think you could outsmart her, a being hundreds of years older than you. Pitiful. But she thought it trough. If the training was any help from these past two weeks, you would get stronger. The problems caused could be erased by you being a potential vessel for the future. She already had a few people in mind, after this body got weak or old, or died from some circumstances. If you could live for ten more years, until everything could come into place.... 

She was sitting on a bench at the train station, waiting for you to make your appereance at any moment. When she finally did see you, she knew that you used your powers on someone, taking you one step further from being a sorcerer. After all, they all so despised using their powers on humans. Pitiful.

As you looked around, you didn't see her sitting a little bit further away, which made her laugh a little. How can humans do so many things, but fail at the smallest of details? She never understood, but after all, you couldn't really call her a human. Being around them for this long, certainly did help in understanding their behaviour, but she just couldn't figure them out totally. 

"(Y/n)!" she yelled after you.

You got startled and a chill ran down your spine from hearing her eerie voice. You turned your head towards the source of the voice and for some unknown reason to you, started going towards the woman.

"I see you are not so stupid as I thought." she eyed you up and down. "I honestly started thinking you might fight me for a second." she giggled. "But you are a smart, smart girl, right?" she said standing up, getting closer to you. 

You were in full silence, and honestly didn't know what might come next. She got really close to you, your bodies slightly touching. 

"Before I let you go, you have to know this. We'll meet again, though I'm not sure whether before you die, or some other way, but you'll know that it's me, for sure. I wish we could've got to know each other better, but you really seem to be eager to leave, which is fine."  Ayame whispered in your ear, playing with your hair in the meantime. She even put her hand on your back, pulling you even closer to her.

"Are you really letting me go? But why? I don't understand." you whispered back to her, clearly uncomfortable in the situation you were in.

"Stupid girl. It doesn't matter, okay? If you want to stay alive, and you want to, don't go to Tokyo. They've put a bounty on your head, as I've already told you, it's quite a sum." she said looking into your eyes. "I would prefer you staying with me for some more time, I don't know why you want to run away." she paused for a second. "Okay maybe I can understand." she smiled smugly. "I'm scary and cruel, right? Maybe you're scared I'll kill your dear Suguru? Sometimes I start thinking you really are stupid."

"Of course I am scared of you. I have never met someone so cruel like you, Ayame, and I hope I never will."

"You have to get used to killing. Killing means you are not killed. Hunt or be hunted."

"No. There's always some other way. There has to be."

She laughed. "After all that I've said, you seem to not retain anything. Fine. There will be a time when it will all come back." she smiled.

"Fly, little bird, if you can! There will always be a cage around you, might not be me, but these humans, they can only imprison each other." she trailed off. "Run, your train will leave soon." she said giving you a kiss on your cheek. "The next time we meet, I'll ask this kiss back." she said as she turned around.

"Ah, and one more thing: if you die before meeting me, just turn into a curse and it'll all come around for us." 

You laughed but not because it was funny. You were in such shock that it was the only thing your brain was capable of.

With these words she left the station. You never saw her again. 

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