Chapter 30- Restart

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Everything was still new to you. The night before you went to kill your mother, you imagined your life with Geto, but now, you were sitting face to face at the table with Satoru. You died and came back, and this all happened after you were caught by some evil sorcerer with a stich on her forehead. This year was a mess. Half of it was spent running, searching, betraying people and now, it was the time, to settle down. 

The night before you left Geto's house was one of the best memories you will held onto for the rest of your life, but something didn't feel right. After Geto and you made love, you couldn't sleep, neither could him, so you talked for hours. You never really realized how insane his ideas sounded. You were searching for that sweet boy you knew, but that boy was gone. There was a man beside you, who was cruel. Who would do anything for himself and his dream. You thought that he only loved himself. What you didn't know, was how his feelings changed towards you. But you would never get to hear it, because you didn't stay for the next morning. His idea was, that he would tell you his feelings towards you the next morning. But the next morning you weren't beside him anymore, then he heard of the news of your death. He was taken aback, flushed with anger and sorrow, he lost you again and forever.

You of course didn't know this, because you acted on your impulses and not your rational thinking. You maybe could have had a good life at his side, but you won't meet him again, not it this form for sure. He would be gone and the last time you would see him, in the future, would be his date of death. No one could know this, not even him. He missed you every day and night and when he heard that you came back from the dead, at first he thought that he would reach out to you. But you've made your decision. People around him told him that Gojo Satoru publicly announced that whoever may even lay a finger on you, would die the most horrific death. This would be unlike him, he thought, but the silly friend he once knew, was changed forever. He would fight for people not like before, but by putting his life on the line. 

He couldn't do anything, so he accepted that you, choose Satoru, not him.

It wasn't easy in the begging for you, he still was in your mind a lot, but Satoru's presence made it a lot easier for you to live life normally. You were right, without your mother, life was easier. You started going to school, to finish your last year and to become a jujutsu sorcerer afterwards. You had your partner in crime, Satoru. His behaviour changed towards you, he actually cared. He grew up in the midst of all that happened to you last year. Your friends grew up too, they weren't those little kids that you knew them as. Maybe you could start again. 

Megumi was the happiest to see you again. The first time he came to Gojo's new house, he wasn't amazed by the size or the look of it, when he saw you, he started crying right away.

"I missed you so much!" he ran towards you, his little legs hurrying as much as they could. When you hugged him, he squeezed you so hard you thought you would break.

"Easy Megumi, easy! You'll break her!" Gojo laughed next to you.

He looked at him and made a sour face, but still didn't let you go.

"You promise me, you'll never leave again, ever." He looked into your eyes, his orbs shining from the tears. "If you leave, then take me with you!"

You hugged him, giving him a slight kiss on his face. "I promise Megumi, I'll never leave your sight for the rest of my life!" You said as you hugged him again. "I'll watch you grow up and be there forever. Pinky promise!" you put out your pinky towards him, he did the same. "If I do, may a thousand needles pierce trough me!" you said in unison. 

Satoru put his hands on both of you and hugged you. 

"Let's take a picture!" he said with a big smile as he took out the polaroid that you guys used to take pictures with. As the picture came out, he looked at you, smiling.

"I love you."

You smiled and looked down on your feet for a second, but you didn't need to rethink what you wanted to say, because you knew what the right thing to say was. After many challenges and hardships, you came back stronger, you had a will to live. Whatever would come your way, you would fight it and conquer it. Life was always on your side, you just had to learn how to live it. You didn't know about the future, but the present, was on your side.  The past, Geto Suguru and everything in it would be with you forever, but it doesn't mean that it would define you. Your love towards him was always going to be there, but you had to live for yourself.

"I love you too."

Thus, one chapter in your life ended and another one just started. You never knew, that after ten years, the past would come and hunt you in a way no one imagined, but that is another story to tell, for another time. 

Love always finds a way. 

Life always finds a way.

This is the end of this book. I have decided to end it, after almost two years of writing. I was I think at the middle of the book when I realized how I wanted to end it. It was always Gojo. This may have started as a Geto fic, but in the meantime I realized that tis would be how it should end. It is a bittersweet ending, yes, but that doesn't take from its value. Thank you for being with me on this journey, thanks for reading! Goodbye.

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