Chapter 14- Players

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Trigger warning: mentions of death, suicide attempt, blood.

The banquet went on as planned, everyone was enjoying themselves, Kana was very proud of her organizing skills. The way all the powerful sorcerers would be there around her, especially Naobito Zenin, flattered her to no end. She was so sure that everything was going well, nothing could break her from her winning cycle. 

 "Kana, well done, a nicely organized banquet. No one can compare to yours anyways dear. I am ashamed to see that the Zenins are not here yet." Kasumi, an older woman from the Gojo clan started the conversation with Kana. 

Indeed, Kana was getting more and more agitated herself, where was that old fool anyways? 

"My deepest thanks, Kasumi. Please enjoy yourself with some more sake, you know how the Zenins are. They come and go when they wish. Though, I dare to add, they were never this late." she smiled at the old woman. 

Can she leave already? 

Kana started her journey from the very lowest of the hierarchy, and now she was here. Finally. All the things she worked in life for, were now hers. She had money, fortune, fame, power, everything she could wish for. Her husband passed away oh, so fortunately for her, after their child just had her 10th birthday. 'How much could her life improve after this', she used to ask herself after her and her late husband got married. Oh what a fool she was. Life could be much, much more better. 

The only thing still in her life from the past was that pest of a daughter who always got herself in trouble. If she could disappear from her life, Kana would have been so so much happier. Naobito would always tease her and sometimes even scold her that she is a bad mother and how her daughter turned out is her fault. Was it her fault that she just didn't want to be a mother? Nah. She turned out this way because of her good for nothing  father passed down his genes onto her more than she did. If she would have turned out more like her mother she would be alright, but either way she handled her life okay. 

Kana was disturbed from her little thought session by a maid. "Mistress, Mr. Zenin and his family has arrived and he asked me to find you."

Kana had a sudden change in behaviour, she couldn't be happier. Finally that good for nothing drunk has arrived.

 She wouldn't admit it, but maybe she liked him. In her head she was in control of the whole situation, not him. In Naobito's head, he was even more full of himself than before, he got a woman that was dying for him and a key keeper as well. The power she could bring him, only if he could have her by his side. This simple thought bought him satisfaction enough to keep going on with his plan, because this woman was intolerable and he had his fair share of insufferable women. 

She was cocky and knew how much he needed her power as a key keeper, their relationship built solely on this dinamic. He couldn't act like he wanted to, because he knew she would leave and find some other men to choke like a damn snake that she was. He hated her, but as much as he hated admitting  it, he was attracted to her. Her curves were a weak point, and he knew he couldn't resist her temptress behavior. 

As Naobito arrived to the balcony where Kana was, she turned around, the warmest welcoming smile on her face. 

"Dearest Naobito, please welcome." She started walking towards him, keeping an eye contact and a smug little smile on her red lips. As she got closer, she wrapped her arms around him, lowering her head to his ear. "Did you miss me, dear?" He could already feel her smirk. 

"Know your place woman." 

"Ah, so you did, I missed you too." She gave him a small unobservable kiss on the cheek. Naobito grabbed her waist and forcefully pulled her towards him. "I could show you who's in control, but we have to keep our image, don't we dear Kana?" he looked into her eyes as she blushed. 

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