Chapter 17- Search

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I forgot to put a trigger warning for last chapter, sorry. Also a trigger warning for writing bad action scenes, I never understood how can some people write it so easily. Also I'm not sure if there is a character development for the main character, so I ask you readers, do you see that this person has changed or is in a transformation both physically and mentally? If you think so or even if you don't, I would like to know your opinions. Great reading! 


Finally, after two weeks and three days, Naoya was on his way, out of Tokyo to find you. He heard from some of his fathers men that there was no way for you to be in Tokyo, because sorcerers from the city would've felt your presence, if Gojo Satoru couldn't, then there was no way you were still here. 

They also told him that curse users tend to accomodate themselves in smaller cities or towns so sorcerers won't sense them easily. Three other men were with him, but after they looked at the plan, they decided that they will search independently. Naoya was going to go south, and in his way to the southern beach, look at every city and town. One of the men was to go to the lowest point of the island. Luckily he was going only lower then Kyoto. At first he was excited that he finally started this search, but after they split up, he realized how big this area was. Even though Japan was an island it was still huge for one person to look trough for a girl. 

"Fuck." he muttered as he got off the bullet train at the first bigger city, Yokohama. It was the next big city after Tokyo, and he had no sorcerers he knew. As he looked at the pool of people in front of him, an overwhelming feeling of panic overcame him: can he really find you?

In the meantime Suguru was also in Yokohama, asking about you from a few curse users he knew in the city.

"Huh, this damn girl? Everyone is talking about her nowadays, she must be a really big deal. If even you search after her, damn, she must be really valuable. Maybe I'll go after her too. What do you say Geto?" Kai, a girl laughed as he bumped her elbow into Geto's side.

Geto turned to her slowly. He was in complete silence, a terrifying look on his face. "If you do that I'll kill you myself."

"Wow, easy easy leader boy, I didn't say I want to kill her, but do you need help? My abilities are perfect for this type of missions. I can find people by some of their personal things, like hair, clothes and things of this sort. What do you say?" she smiled at him.

After a few seconds of silence Geto gave an approving nod. "Fine, but don't get too cocky."

Kai laughed. "Do you know that I'm older than you leader boy? Where is the respect from you?"

"You don't need respect, you need money or something else from me." he exhaled. "Anyways, your ability will be useless if I don't have anything from her that you can start off from."

"Don't you have any memory of her? Maybe something she gave you? What type of lover does not give something for their boyfriend to remember them by?" she laughed as she looked at the others.

Geto started thinking. He didn't have anything from you and before it wasn't a big deal, because you were always next to him, but now, when you are nowhere to be seen, how can he find you? Maybe, if he went back to Tokyo and got something that was yours, maybe then... maybe then he could find you.

"We'll go back to Tokyo. It will be your first mission. You'll have to break into a house not a big deal, right Kai?" he cut her off suddenly from laughing. 

"Umm, sure Geto. Whose house exactly? A key keepers or some other ungodly sorcerer's?" she said a little panicked but laughed it off in the end.

"Great. We start now. Get your things." he said as he hurried towards the door.

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