the hooters employee.

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Iwaizumi p.o.v

My parents are setting me up with a girl since they are in there late forties and want to see my children before they die. it's almost as if five grandchildren from my two other siblings aren't enough. they didn't accept the fact i'm not looking for a relationship so they told a friend at hooters and they said there are wonderful employees there. They gave me. a. fucking. appointment to meet some random people. I bring along my best friend maddog to scare anyone unwanted away. as we make our way into the resturaunt a women with HUGE boobs comes and shows us to the table. she had blue eyes and nice skin but the main thing that got my attention was her voice. it was soothing but I didn't care once I found she hasn't said a thing. behind her was the person who owned the voice. the backside was turned to us but shaggy, brown locks fell on the figures neck.the person turned around and his lips were turned into a smile while his brown eyes were soft and gentle. his long fingers were brushing away the hair on his face. I look down and his thighs in those turquiose shorts were beyond magical. He caught me staring and gave me a wink. I turn to mad dog but he's too busy making love eyes to another costumer. I can tell he was bored and obviously waiting for someone. he stood up five minutes later and I realized maddog has been staring at him completely captivated by his essense.

(Yahaba got a haircut) out of ciriousity we look over and comes out

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(Yahaba got a haircut) out of ciriousity we look over and comes out

(Yahaba got a haircut) out of ciriousity we look over and comes out

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this angel. they apear to be friends but maddog is super jelouse of oikawa.they make their way over near us so we immediately act like we didn't just stare at them for ten whole minutes. "Your hajime correct?" I nod in comfermation and they both sit across from us. "My parents own this...buisness and they are also the people your parents contacted to help you out. unfortunately they are unavalable at this time so Yahaba and I will be here instead. Yahaba is simply here because he has back up people incase this doesn't work. which I doubt will happen." Yahaba is staring at the table avoiding all eye contact. "I think you have horrible taste in men so lets hope we go with my idea!" "Speaking of which! we need to know your type." "I honestly don't care. this is not my desicion and I do not stand in support to me being given away simply because my parents do not want to wait for me to find someone." he is silent for a minute and we never break eye contact until his friend says. "So this will take a while. i'm hungry. chicken wings anyone?" maddog get up with him as they leave to the counter to get food. "Tell me about yourself Iwaizumi." he says interested. I told him about my simple life, simple interests and simple personality. after we got the food he comes to a conclusion. "I have someone. he is mostly for one night stands and all but I think he will have no problem acting as your boyfriend around your mom so she thinks your trying. and then you take your time to find someone after pretending to be heartbroken." he says dramatically. it's not entirely an idiotic plan so I nod my head. "Perfect. Yabaha, let's call terushima."

yahaba p.o.v

oh shit. not terushima. I can already feel my face getting warm once I think about that nice, big, juicy cock stuck up my ass pounding into me like there is no tomarrow. "I'll convince him. let's meet up in a week or two. also, just for future references since you are acting are you okay with him sleeping around?................It'll help with the story of getting heartbroken." I add once I got stared at by the people at the table. "I don't care. he can do whatever." I blush harder knwoing me and my fuck buddy are doing it. I feel eyes on me as I look over to Oikawa as we start laughing. i call him and tell him the favor we need. "I'm flattered you came to me with this but I found someone. I'm sorry, also we need to stop sleeping together. Just because of my boy you didn't do anything wrong and I'm determined to keep this relationship going.' "No, it's fine. I completely understand and I'm happy for you. just invite me to the wedding bitch!" I say laughing. he laughs with me "Will do. we'll talk Later okay?" "Sure." (He was currently doing a threesome with his boyfriends tsukishima and yamaguchi. just thought I put that out there) I came back to the table. "He found someone and he's unavailable." I informed them. "Kuroo?" "He and Kenma finally got together." "Daichi?" "Just proposed to suga" "What about Bakuto? he's always down for a challenge." "Not one that will jeperdize his relationship with Akaashi." "What about my favorite bitch?" Oikawa pleaded. "He's still taking crap from Sakusa. or atleast in public he does. at home they are very loving." I gagged a bit thinking about the affection they give to eachother. "Kimori is free though. he's nice, respectable, SINGLE, but he does have a bit of an additude." "Lets do him then." Crap I forgot they were here. Maddog has fallen asleep in his arms while  Iwaizumi was listening in. I stopped and went home to get rid of my horniness.

kyoutani p.o.v

I was so bored. The only thing intertaining was trying to figure out who the hell this terushima is to Yahaba. Iwaizumi is on his phone talking to Oikawa with a blush on his face. "You should date Oikawa." He spits out the sprite in his mouth and shoots me a glare.

I don't like how this turned out so ya'll can take it and do whatever ya'll want with it.

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