Sakuatsu training camp

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Sakusa pov

I arrive with my boyfriend and cousin to a volleyball training camp. "Sakusa. Let's go to the store after this." The tall male says. "Ok ushijima." I get my schedule and I'm paired up with three males. Perfect. And Ofcaurse, none of them is ushijima nor my cousin. Perfect.... Again. Room 306 with tendou, Kageyama, and atsumu. Isn't atsumu one of the Miya twins? God i hope he is the dark haired one. The yellow haired male is annoying as fuck. Just my luck, it's the piss haired bumble bee Looking ass shit. I come in and find this.

There is a phone recording him

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There is a phone recording him. Is he making a thirst trap? Eww. A person comes in through the phone. "Tsumu, cover your self. No one wants to see your abs." "Oh shut up suna, your the one who called me when I just got out of the shower!" I ignore him and proceed to the bed closest to the window in case I ever have the urge to jump. "But you showered yesterday, you hate wasting water." Another male voice comes through. "Well I heard I have a germahobic roommate and I wouldn't want to make I'm uncomfortable. So I took a shower despite my beliefs." Huh, not so much of a shit I thought. "Don't lie, you only wanted to show off your abs!" "Tch shut up! Y'all already seen everything when you tried to fuck in the shower!" "Shut up, I'm still scared from that sight." He rolls his eyes and outs a shirt on. "What do you guys want anyways?" "We want pizza." I tune everything out until I hear a scream. "God can you shut up?" I grumble. "How long have you been here?!" "For like twenty minutes now shut up." I grumble. I leave after getting my shit together and meet up with ushijima. "Hello Sakusa." He says. He holds my hip and walks along the shore with me. We don't really talk but it's comforting to know that he is there. "Sakusa." He says very seriously. "Yes?" "I found a friend, he invited me to go to his room tonight for a Harry Potter marathon. Would you care to join?" "No. I'm good, thanks for the offer though." I say looking out onto the sea. "It's so peaceful." I say. "Yea. I'm gonna go." "Mk" I should love him, I should care about the fact that he is leaving me to go to someone else's care, he deserves it. He does so much for me. But that's it. I only appreciate him. The thought of him leaving me doesn't really bother me. Just a simple 'oh well. Another one lost' I walk back to the room and see more roommates there. "Hey Omi! The rest came! This is tendou and the other one is Kageyama." I nod and greet them with a wave and go back to my bed and look out at the window. "Hey someone is coming to our room but we will leave as soon as our food comes." The bright haired boy says. "Ooh, is he a love interest?" "Maybe, he is super sweet but he already has someone." Ushijima comes right as I'm talking to atsumu. "Hey, do I need to back up? You look uncomfortable." "No. I just have this sudden urge." I say while looking straight at ushijima. "What is it?" Atsumu asks unaware. "Are you dating anyone?" "Sadly not." "Good." I say before brining him to my lips. Ushijima noticed but went off with tendou anyways. "Eww gross. I'm going to bokes room." Kageyama said before leaving. Atsumu doesn't stop kissing me back so I play with his body. I touch his thighs, rub his dick a little bit and............
⚠️weird kinks up ahead.⚠️⚠️⚠️

I rub his nipples as well. He seems to like that so I continue around his nipples. I pinch them. Give it a little twist, and suck on them too. We're laying down so he turned me on my back and Strattled me. He grinds my dick and rubs my nipples as well. We're both getting hot, I can tell. "Baby. Do you wanna do it?" I ask. "Yes I so badly want you." "Kinks and all?" "Yes!" He basically screams. "Well then, go get your little ass over to my bag and look for another bag. It should be a purple velvet vase." I say groping his ass. He walks over to the bag and takes it out. "Good boy." I open the case and take out my favorite toy.

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