In a rut

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Bakuto pov
As I make my way to the class I feel a sudden rush of euphoria go through me. Then I instantly knew my omega was in heat. The lay out of the building was practically burned into my mind. I knew exactly where he was. I ran past the teacher and ignored his calls to come back. The stairs were no problem as I shoved people out of my way to get to the room he is in. The heat gets stronger telling me he is in worse condition. When I get to the room I see someone peering in with an obvious 🍆problem. I shove him out of the way and go inside. "Bo~" He whined. I couldn't resist the urge to go to him. I picked him up from the floor and held my omega in my lap. "Bo?" "Shhh. It's ok Akashi. You rest." I said brining him closer. "Bo. Please kiss me. I need you alpha." He whines so pretty. I smile and lean down to him. He didn't waste any time and met me half way aggressively. I put my hand on his thigh to pull him closer. He gets off my lap and unlocks our lips to guid me to the nest he made out of his jacket and loose paper he found. "Oh my. This is a beautiful nest my omega. You did such a wonderful job keeping us cozy." I said kissing his neck. He groans and purrs in happiness from my compliments. We lay in his nest while I use my jacket and two chairs to make us a dome. He is in my arms and my hand is in between his thighs. It's not to intend anything but to be sweet. I can tell he is happy by his scent. "I love you." I whisper into his hair. "I love you more Bo." He says.

Akaashi pov
I missed this. We've been so busy lately it's hard to find time for us. The way he is touching me makes me all giddy inside. The door slams open and I'm distressed again. I cuddle closer to bo trying to hide myself inside of him. "You two should be in class." I hear a female say. "Apologies miss beta. He is on his heat and I'm his alpha." She looks skeptical until she heard me wimper from a sudden pain. Bo brought me closer to his body and grasped onto my thigh tighter. She looked around to see if we're legit since she can't smell Heats or ruts. Once she decided we were legit she nodded and turned to leave. Before she closed the door she reminded us to clean up. It's quiet now with only our heart beats and breaths sounding the room. I move my hips a bit and his hand grazes my dick. I whimper again moving my hips against him again. I do it descreatly. My hips are moving and my head is in his neck. "Baby. Let me know if you need anything." I smirk and bite his neck a little bit. "Well I'm that case I think this shirt is in the way of your love for me." I said looking up. He slowly gets what I mean and takes his shirt off as well as mine." Just to make sure it wasn't your shirt in the way." My hickies are showing from the last time we did it just 3 days ago. "Is that why you never allow me to see you after sex?" He asks. I blush and hide into his pec. "It's just embarrassing." "But it's my love" he says hugging me tighter. "I know but it's still marked
In public." "I understand the embarrassment my love I'm not mad I only want to know why." He said calmly. I nodded and sighed into him. My hips are still grinding and I let out a moan. "Are- are you horny?" He says. I moan back making my grinding more noticeable. "Do you want to do it?" I groan and nod hardly. He smiles into my hair and hugs me before positioning me on my back with my legs up. He tore off my jeans and his along with them. Before moving to my boxers he looked at me seriously. "Your sure you want to do this? I won't force you and I can wait if your not ready my love." A heartbeat of silence filled the room making it seem so loud. "I'm sure." He smiles in an adorable way and kisses my forehead. He pushes me down softly off of my elbows and onto my back where he slid down the boxers slowly. When they were on my ankles they were thrown somewhere randomly in the room. He is replacing the 3 week old hickies on my neck while he is making his way down. When he gets to my v line he looks at me expectantly. "You remember the safe word?" I nod and push my hips up. They were grabbed harshly and forced down. "Don't test me." He says in a deep voice. The omega cowers but the other love it. And he knows that. "You like the voice or the commandment?" "All of it, none of it, I love you." I say rushed trying to get to the good part. "Good baby. Open wide." He says referring to my closed legs. I open them for him and watch as he sits up. He makes eye contact with me and makes me suck on his fingers. Three fingers are on my mouth and he's paying tons of attention to my thighs. When he deems it to be enough he puts one in slowly. I don't feel anything until that finger curls touching the walls of my butt. It's first weird but I like that. Two more fingers go in and out of me at immense speed. Tears are forming in my eyes and I notice how intimate this is. He is inside of me. I'm accepting him into me. The man I love most in the world has his mind and attention on me and only me. The thought brings a smile to my face. The tears dropped onto my cheeks and like a good master bo licked them off my face. "Thank you" I whisper in his ear while holding his neck close. "Don't thank me yet" he says while ripping his fingers out of me. Instead they are replaced by his massive dick. My toes clench and I scratched his back while trying to take it in. "Sorry I scratched you." I dated when he gave me a break. My butt is still accepting the new size and he's holding me like I'm the most precious thing ever. "Don't apologize. They are your marks. Just like your hickies are my mark. This tells everyone I'm yours and only yours." He says. He's too kind. "I think you can move again." "You ready?" He asks. I nod and bring my legs up higher for better access. The rest of it goes in smoothly and he waits five seconds before moving back and forth into me. The friction makes me loose my breathe. His speed increases and at this point my head is filled with stars. The body he is beating into is viberating from his touch. The spot he is in is so far deep the octonauts will have trouble finding it. "Wait wait wait. Try over here." I say moving a little to the right." He nods and goes at the same pace. This time he is hitting my prostate and my legs are shaking. My moans and his breaths fill the room entirely my eyes are filled with tears once again but his head is in my shoulder to notice. My hands that are on his back are still clawing at it trying to get a grip on him. I want to be closer to him. "BO~" I moan out. "Keiji" he moans back. We're both moaning and grunting with every beat of his dick. Warmth spreads through my stomach and I understand what's happening. "Bo." I say. By that time he knows what's happening. "I know. Me too." His hand travels down from my cheek where it been this entire time and goes to my penis to stroke it nicely.
My precum spills from the tips and he moves away from my neck to go look me in the eyes. When our eyes locked he came. And then the world stopped moving. It was just us looking at each other. His hips still moving into me. Him licking my precum from his thumb and my claws going into his back. In that moment everything was perfect. But then I noticed behind him was an eye. Someone was looking at us fuck. The world moved again when I jumped. Bokuto looked behind him and saw what spooked me so badly. He hugged my naked body into him, hiding me from the creepy man while growling. "Hey! I told you to leave." "No you just pushed me out of the way." "And you have been here since?" "Yeah. This is free porn! Ofcaurse I'll stay." Bo threw his shoe at him and when the door closed he put his jacket over my shoulders. His jeans were thrown on and he left with a kiss to my forehead. He smiled at me before he closed the door. I couldn't see what Happened I only heard smacks and groans that certainly did not come from Bokuto. When he came back he still had a smile but his hands were bloody and there was a scatter of blood on his face. "I'm sorry agaashi. I didn't want you to hear that." I smiled and pulled him down. "It's ok Bokuto San" I sat in his lap and held his face in my hands. I came closer to him and licked the blood off his face. He smiled and let me clean his face. I got his hands and licked the blood off them too. Thank god it all belonged to the other guy. "Thank you Keiji." "Anytime kou. But that doesn't mean go picking fights everywhere. You could have been hurt." I scolded him. He rolls his eyes and puts his hands back on my hips. "I know akaashi but he saw my baby. And he spooked my baby. He also ruined our perfect moment." He whined. I smiled happily knowing he thought that moment was perfect as well. I kissed him with all the love I have for him. I bit his lip, sucked on the tongue, and grinded my hips on his jeans. "Is it still sexy time?" He asks. I smiled and nodded. He sat me up just enough to where I was hovering over him but he can take off his pants. By the time he takes his pants off his dick is already in my hands. It's so familiar in my palm you'd never think it was only our third time having sex. "What's on your mind baby? Your lost in thought. Do you not want to go again? Cuz if not im ok with that." He said worriedly. "No I want to. Im just thinking my hand was practically molded for you." It took a second before I saw a familiar smile on his face. His hand wrapped around mine that was around his dick. "Yes. It seems too perfect." He says looking at our hands. His other arm is around my waist while his hand is on my back. I take his hand that's on mine and interlock the fingers together. I kiss him again and while his tongue is in my mouth I go closer to him and go down on his dick that is now inside me. "Wow. That was easier the second time." He said. I giggled and started moving against him. This time heavy pants were between us two and when I moved I felt the euphoria spread again. My heat was gone and when I came he let out this husky groan making me shudder. I came off of him while he was still hard and ignored his groans. I came down and started to lick his length. He shuddered and I popped the entire thing in my mouth. I kept going and going. Ignoring the pain in my throat and continued to swallow every liquid he made. Eventually I came off needing a breather after 3 times of him coming into my mouth. He started to do the same thing that I was doing but in a more teasing manner

I came into him and decided that I was done. "Penut." I said after coming." He nodded and came to get me. He pulled me against him and spooned me from behind and the entire world went dark.

He fell asleep. Also here are more pictures I found on the internet. If it will let me

 If it will let me

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