bad boy and the softie pt.1

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Yahaba X kyoutani

Mad dog p.o.v

It's mother's day and I need to get her some flowers. Sucks since the flowers are now expensive as fuck. I go to the flower shop despite this and come face to face with a man. This particular man is one I know as a pain on my ass. Not only that but I'm constantly around him since his boyfriend is my best friend. "Kyou-chan!" He yells. I groan over the fact he still calls me that. "Hey doorkawa" he does his signature pout that makes me want to beat his teeth out. "Y'know, if you keep pouting it will eventually give you wrinkles!" I smirked as he gasped in horror. He runs to the bathroom as I pick out my mom's flowers. She loves dandelions but my sister usually spoils her so this time I'm getting her cherry blossoms with a rice ball decorated nicely into it. I wait for oikawa to come back but instead comes in a pretty boy with carmel hair and a flower apron comes in. "Will this be all for you today?" I grunt with a small nod and pay the fee. "Kyou chan~ don't leave so soon." Oikawa complains "no, I think I'll leave now." I say flipping him off. The pretty boy laughs as I leave.
~time skip to after mother's day and at iwaizumi's house~

Yahaba p.o.v

Oikawa drags me along to another game with his boyfriend who treats him like crap. I was aware that his friend would be there so now he will be treated worse. I scowl at the thought of him. We're in the car waiting for oikawa to look good for his iwa chan. "You look like a queen oikawa. You will be gorgeous and if he don't see that then he doesn't deserve you"  he gives me a simple smile and starts to get out. We get out to the door and it's opened by a cranky iwaizumi. "Hey crappy kawa" I send a glare but he doesn't even notice. We get in and sit on the couches inside the living room. The man from two days ago was here I waved slightly.  Oikawa tried to cuddle with his man but was quickly pushed into the floor. I scowl and allow oikawa to lay his head in my lap making sure to send a nasty look to iwaizumi. Although he was to busy laughing with his friend. I throw a pillow to the man's face before returning my attention to oikawa.

We end up watching movies. Mostly godzilla, serious, and boring movies. There isn't one sense of humor in here. I look to oikawa who was weirdly allowed on iwaizumi's shoulder and is soundly asleep. I go on my phone playing a random game just trying to pass the time. "Are you bored?" Mad dog asked. I nodded yes with a tired look. "No one's stopping you from leaving." "Here for emotional support." I mumble. "Who do you need to support?" Iwaizumi asks with a snap in his voice. "We both know who is underappreciated in your relationship." I give an icy glare to him. He speaks up after a moment of silence. "Maybe he shouldn't be so damn embarrassing to be around" I gasp and stand up trying my best to not throw hands. Instead I pick up my best friend crying tears for him. "Y'know one day he's going to snap. Once he does you'll realize how perfect he is." I inform him leaving to my car. No one came out to try and get him back. I waited for twenty minutes for him to change his mind and try to be a boyfriend he should have been. Nothing happened.

Kyoutani p.o.v

I sit with iwaizumi who is clearly upset about the pretty mans words. Meanwhile I was getting excited about his additude. "Do you think I'm mean to Oikawa?" He mumbles. "Just a tad" I say plainly which means ALOT. iwaizumi gets bent out of shape over this Discovery. "Do you think he will break up with me?" He says tears in his eyes. I am super uncomfortable now. "He doesn't seem to be there yet so you have time to....change your additude, actions, the way you come off to him instead of dismissing him and calling him crappy names." We're quiet for a second and I can not be happier for that second.

Yabaha p.o.v

I sit with oikawa who apparently has been awake this whole time. He is crying into my shoulder over  thinking he is embarrassing to be around. "I need to change. I can't have my boyfriend think I'm like this." I pat his back and rub his head. "The only thing that needs to change is your taste in men oikawa." "He is so sexy though! I know he's a good person but why is he horrible to me? I mean all I do is show him how much I appreciate him." "Well, I hate to say this but maybe he's uncomfortable with how much you express it. Maybe dial it back a notch. Or at least Infront of his friends." I suggest. He nods and I leave to get him some water and food. He inhails the food I brought for him and starts crying again. "Now im fat yahaba!" Ay this is getting exhausting.

Mad dog p.o.v

I watch the movie now that he is finally all good. "Wasn't yahaba yelling at you kinda hot? I mean I'm not into the idea of dating but damn! He can yell at me any time!" I say chuckling a bit. "your weird. I'm not sure how yahaba is. I mean all he does is be affectionate with oikawa and glares at me. It pisses me off how much he clings to him." He growled. "How about I start flirting with yahaba, get him off of Oikawa while you get into oikawas good side again. Besides if he falls to deep in love with me I can always be a huge dick in the end." I suggest. "I'm intrigued. Let's do it" he agrees. He begins to call oikawa over.

Yahaba p.o.v
He finally cried himself to sleep and I'm setting up the futon on the floor while his phone starts to ring. I pick it up not bother looking at the caller I.D "hello? This is oikawas phone." "What are you doing with his phone? Where's oikawa?!" Ugh iwaizumi. "He is currently asleep by crying for thre-four hours into my shirt about how horrible boyfriend he is when his boyfriend is the real scumbag here. Any questions? No? Good." I say as I was about to hang up the call when I heard sniffles. "I know. Im horrible. It's why I called to see if I can go treat him to a date." I get quiet determining my next words. "I'll let him out the door ONLY from the windows of 11:40-11:45. If you are not out there prepared with your biggest apologies I will make sure you will never get a chance to hurt my best friend again. This is not up for negotiation. Be there. I can't handle seeing him like this anymore." I admitted into the phone. He shouts thank you's and complimebts and how he will be there. I get bored so I hung up the phone for tonight.

Mad dog p.o.v
Holy shit. I got to go to the bathroom. His voice when he is pissed is so 🥵. "Hey, that's great but I got to take a shit. Be right back." I get to the bathroom and imagine all the things he will do to me when he's angry and horney at the same time. The words he whispers into my ears. Telling me if I don't make him forget his name in ten seconds he will neuter me. (Kinky ik) I get high off of the thought of him grabbing my ass harder and harder when he wants my attention. I finally come as I picture his red face, teary eyes, drooling lips as I'm into him. Hearing his moans and him calling me daddy makes me go twice. If I play my cards just right I might make him my fuck buddy. I come out still horny but I made him wait long enough.
"Have fun? You were so loud my neighbors heard you." "Shut up!" I say flopping onto the couch.

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