tododeku/kiribaku/erasermic honeymoon. it be SPICY

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there is a video up there that is really cute. you should watch it.
the todorokis honeymoon:

miydoria p.o.v

once we got the the malibu hotel enji reserved for us as a wedding present we got inside and immediately kissed the other harshly

he picked me up and held me on his waist carrying me up to our room inside the elevator be broke apart, just staring into the others eyes lovingly. I changed my expression to a smirking one and grinded against him eager to get me some D. He was soon smirking too and led me to our room. I pushed him against the wall and sucked on his neck like I was drowning and it was my air. I nip him with my teeth a few times but that got his breathes to become sharper. "What is the number one hero going to do to me today?" He asks when his neck is purple everywhere. "well, you do love the sailor moon cosplay, so why doesn't venus go get into gear for battle hmm?" "Yes, daddy." "What a good number three hero you are." I say slapping his ass when he walks away from me. "Baby, we forgot it. but this is even better for you. Kami is wearing it too for shinsou which makes it more fun."

he comes in and I lick my lips excitedly. (shoto has long hair, just a reminder(shinsou has died from nosebleed) he comes in and sits on my lap his long hair is swaying and brushing my knee. "your right, this is a lot better." my hands roam his stomach and into his abs. oh his delicious hands goes to his thigh and squeeze. "Daddy, detroit smash me!" he begged. I pushed him down with his legs on either side of me and hair spread out everywhere. I take off his gloves with my teeth as I rub his pecs roughly. his shirt flies off and that only leaves the skirt and thongs. I lift it up so I can enjoy the sight of him in a skirt longer. I give hickeys everywhere but the crotch but my mouth is begging to go on him. I slide the underwear down a bit so I can fit his enourmous cock in my mouth and stick two fingers up his ass. he moans loudly and pushes me further down and bucks his hips into my mouth. "Fuck~" I say with my mouth dripping with whatever cum I couldn't swallow. I was completely in the nude and was about to stick it in when he stopped me. "It isn't gay if I have socks on. I dont know about you but I want our first sex as a married couple to be gay." I laugh since he's refering to a vine and take off his stockings. his thongs are back on because it is so much hotter when he is in thongs. he gets on his hands on knees and waits for me to move the skirt and thongs again. I slowly slide his blue laced thongs down his thighs and watch intently at his thickness. I lick his ball sack before I eat his ass out. I always thought Kachans ass tasted good when we were dating but todorokis is like something Gordon Ramsy cooked. "Mhhh. babe you are delightful." his panting didn't cease for a second. I slap his jellowy ass harshly and watch it jiggle before I slide it in. "What about lube? or stretching me?" I continue to slide my dick in when I say "But baby, we both know you like it rough. what rougher than no lube?" "Your cock" he says grinning at his joke. I take his face and make him look up at me. "Damn right pretty boy." I kiss him and start going rougher and rougher, diging into his prostate. he moans into the kiss louder every time I go into him. He cums seven times in three minutes while I cum five times into his ass. we are both in a pool of semen and the wall got a bit of my masters cream. we decide it's enough of my turn when his lower back is more purple then his neck. he ssends me into the closet to go get into a outfit for him. (Is anyone else hella horny now?)

pls imagine his haircut like the first picture. I tried describing todoroki's hair like that but this is how I imagine it going.

I feel proud and sexy to be coming out of the bathroom like this. I send the picture to todoroki for future references for when he's horny and needs to jack off to something. I have my own recorded stash of his pictures for when I need to go and he's busy. I wait for him to come up but instead kachan is calling me? "What cockblocker?" "No, You what?! why the fuck would you send me that?! Kiri's crying because he thinks there is something between us!" he angrily yells. "I didn't send you sh-..........SHIT I'm so sorry that was supposed to go to shoto! oh fuck. gimme kiri" I hear sniffles and an angry "What" "eijrou, there is nothing between me and kachan, I promise you I made a mistake and the picture and the text was meant to go to my husband. I am so sorry." more sniffles came up on the other side. "Izuku I forgive you but please be more careful, I don't want to loose my husband over a misunderstanding." "I know. I usually am but I was deperate for some dick. I'm so sorry riot." "Okay but you were kinda a cockblock too so I'm going to go now and make up with Kat." I hangup the phone and walk to my husband and sit on his lap with my head in his neck. "Master~ I did something bad I need to be punished for." his hand cups my ass and the other is griping my thigh. "what did you do?" His husky voice is in my ear. "I sent a picture that was meant to go to you to kachan. I think I need to be punished. how about you" his hands become rough "Yes. you do. you did a very bad thing izuku. say, do you care about this outfit a lot?" "No. it was meant for you to tear it off. it has velchro at the back for easy tearing." Inexplained. "Good." he tears it off and throws it to the ground. I'm shoved into the matress thats swimming in his semen and I'm fucked right there. my thighs are hanging off his shoulders as he keeps my dick from spilling out. he pounds me like a hammer to a nail. He stops when he found my prostate and brought out the toy bin. "Get up." he said taking some dildos out. he takes to two biggest ones and shoves one down my throat. he takes another and punts it inbetween my thighs. he grabs our doll with a ten inch dick that vibrates into us. "Ride kevin and make sure the dick between yourlegs does not fall. if it does you get punshied more." I sit on the toy and start riding it. shoto sets up a camera to watch me as he jacks off himself off while watching me. I'm moaning loudly and i'm about to cum. before I can he slides on a dick ring as I suck on his nipples. the viberator goes off in my ass and I moan harder onto his nipple. he lets me go and takes me to the showers. you can imagine what we do in there. he finishes his turn to be on top on the bathroom counter. the camera fallows us in every room. we take a shower full of blow jobs and scrubbing the others hair and down further on our dicks.

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