slumber party

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I really like the song okay?

Oikawa and yahaba came up with a plan to get their boyfriend's attention. They dragged maki in it cuz why not? So, one day the boys showed up to practice in this



Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at the boys. "What? Didn't we tell you we couldn't make it to practice today? I just forgot my keys to drive us to kurasuno. Hinata and suga are meeting us there." And as promised the boys went into the locker room and came out three minute later with keys. Oikawa went to iwaizumi who was expecting a kiss but instead got a pat to the cheek like his grandma does. "See ya later bub." He said as he walked out the doors. Yahaba didn't bother to say goodbye he just left. Maki was being groped my mattsun as they .add out 9n the gym floor. "I have to go baby. But you can mark me so people know who I belong to." He said not caring about the audience they have. Mad dog and iwa was pissed though. "Get back to practice!" Iwa shouted. Maki made an escape to the doors before he had to deal with the pissed iwaizumi. He got into oikawas white jeep that fit six people. Maki sat in the back immediately on his phone. Oikawa played stupid by ashniko making the whole car sing loudly. Two hours in the drive they finally make it but show up with Starbucks. The two males we're being attacked with kisses by their boyfriend's who love the clothing.


Their asses look great that's why they are being attacked. They haven't seen the night out outfits yet. Oikawa picked them out ofcaurse. Their going to Tokyo since Atsumu is their anyways visiting his Omi Omi. It's a long drive but the outcome was worth it. Tsumu can't sleep in sakusas house because Everytime they try sakusas has a panic attack about the germs. So after a few times they tried they figured it would be best for Atsumu to go to a hotel. He chose it too kiyoomi was opposing the idea of it. They got a big hotel room for the six of them and got into cozy outfits. Sakusas was face timing Atsumu when they were sleeping because they do that every night so they can have an idea of what sleeping next to each other is like. The next morning they went to a cafe and sakusas joined them trying not to have an anxiety attack. It got hard at some point so Atsumu took him outside to get a breather.
Atsumu p.o.v
I wish I can help him. He seems to be in pain. "Hey hey, it's okay. Breathe slowly okay? In. Out. In. Out. Your safe, germs and bacteria can't get you. Can I touch you?" Omis breathing slowed a but as he nodded yes. I gently pull him into me and I wrap my arms around him. "Are you better now?" He nods again still trying to catch his breathe. "Can we stay like this a bit? Just enough to calm all the way down." "Anything you need Omi." I say pulling my fingers through his soft and bouncy curls.

Oikawa p.o.v

Iwa chan had been blowing up my phone. I can't cancentrate. 'baby, I miss you and I love you. It please let me talk with my friends. I'll be home in two days and we can talk then. Or during the day tomarrow. It is our recovery day from being drunk tonight. Love you xoxo' I text him trying to get him off my tail.
Time skip to tonight

The boys walk out of the bathroom after getting changed. Sakusa didn't want to go to the club so they went to karaoke instead.
Atsumu outfit:






They posted the pictures on their social media and left to karaoke. Atsumu was pounced on once kiyoomi saw him. "You are so beautiful." He says kissing him deeply and holding his hips close to him. It makes me miss my iwa chan. "Let's go guys!" Yahaba said gathering everyone. We sang a few song and every one but suga got hammered. Hinata is making out with his phone while calling kageyama,Atsumu and sakusa are fighting because they think the other is cuter, yahaba is on the pole, maki fell asleep, I'm filming this to send it to their boyfriend's and suga is crying because he needs to take everyone home. We end up getting kicked out because of how loud we are and took refuge at the hotel. We didn't even try waking up maki do we put him on the couch, yahaba and I share a bed, suga and Hinata in the other, Atsumu finally got to sleep with sakusa...... In the bathtub, but they made it work. In the morning we all drank Tons of water and took Advil. We felt okay but not great. We didn't bother trying to wake up sakusa and Atsumu because they were cute. Sakusa did wake up first but was surprised when he wasn't freaking out about germs. Instead he cuddles closer to him and strokes his hair lovingly. Atsumus eyes fluttered open and looked down noticing he was on a body. It was funny because he looked terrified. "Oh fuck. Shit! Did I?" He whispered He looked down to see them both clothed and you can see his soul come back into his body. He looked up kinda scared but when he saw sakusa staring up at him he flung out of the bathtub. It was funny because he landed on the floor. "Are you okay baby? I'm sorry I fell asleep on you." Atsumu said while he was clearly in pain. Sakusa brought Atsumu back in the tub to cuddle with him more. "Your fine. I enjoyed it. How are you? That sounded like it hurt." "Meh. Cuddles can make it feel better." We all left the bathroom and made a gesture to sakusa we're leaving.
Atsumu p.o.v
"Why do you think it's working now?" "Maybe it wasn't my germaphobia at all. Maybe it was my claustrophobia when I was little spoon and I just didn't mind this time because you were lower down on me giving me room." He tried to explain. "So I need to huh your stomach?" He gives me a nod and I pick him up. 'lets go try it on the bed with a movie." I say excited. "Please don't be mean girls." I pouted at him "if you don't want to we don't have to watch it. What about practical magic?" He nods at me and I take my laptop out and watch it on Tubi. There were no panic attacks and it was fun.

Tooru p.o.v
we got Starbucks along the way and didn't try for some music. Our heads were about to bust. I called iwa chan because I was missing his voice. "Tooru! Why won't you respond?" "Babe, my head is about to explode. And I told you, I'm out with my friends. I didn't have my phone on me I had my camera. We'll be home in five hours." "Good, mad dog can't take it without yahaba." He muttered into the phone. I giggled causing groans all over the car. "Is he with you right now?" "Yeah. He's cuddled deprive so he's going after all of my dogs." I stiffle my laugh at the information I have been told. "Yahaba can talk to him if he wants to." "Gimme him." Maddog says after snatching the phone from him. "Damn at least say please you prick. Ow don't fucking smack me yahaba we both know it. Fine fine he isn't a prick now let me drive in fucking peace." I say getting yahabas hanD's off my face. "Hey." He says. I pull into the gas station and everyone leaves for Advil and water. Everyone piled into my car and kurasuno people left to their boyfriend's house. Now be mindful were all wearing sweatpants which is the sexiest clothing for men us it exposes how big it really is. Daichi completely threw suga over his shoulder and walked inside. He can only wave good bye at us. Kageyama hugged hinata tightly and kissed him with love. Who knew that little shit had a heart? We wave goodbye and leave to our home. Maki went home since mattsun was there and we left for iwa Chan's house. Yahaba has been cuddled to death and I had my soul squeezed out of my body. "Don't leave us like that!" They both yelled at us. "I'm sorry who said that you can live without us on your own? Not even a week and one of you is molesting dogs while the other is crying on the phone." I say smugly. Yahaba and I high-five knowing we won. "Fine. But why bring maki?" "He's fun." I say nonchalantly.

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