Chapter 16

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Alex's POV
It has been 2 or 3 week since I found Josie cheating on me and Adam said we can't be friends ; I never considered him my friend actually but the way he hugged me and comforted me was incredible so I just thought he may have changed but I was so wrong .. he was just in a good mood.
I'm walking to my physics class , thinking about what I did in these weeks .nothing but studying though!
"Hey..." I hear the familiar voice of my best friend .oh and I made some friends unlike Adam.... he is lonely still ,maybe he likes it that way.
"Hey Haz, how is X Factor going?" I say ,grinning .
"Awful ,I'm so stressed. I feel bad about this show ,I feel like I'm gonna lose and..."
"Shut up Hazza" I love this nickname that louis made for him! "You will be fine... trust me ... your voice is amazing!" I say and he smiles .
"Thanks buddy " I smile back instead of answering.
Last week was exams week and it was incredible for me at least because I studied well and I'm sure that my result mark won't be less than 4.7 .yay.
I enter the class ,waving my hand for harry and smiling to my new friends ...Jamie, his girlfriend Melody ,Charlie and Charlotte ,twin sister and brother . they are great friends plus they are musicians too!
I sit down on my has been my seat for 3 weeks!
My last seat was in front of her so on Monday morning when I came in the class I asked every student to change their seat with me but only one accepted ,and because I am so lucky her seat was in front of him!!!
I've noticed something changed about him since he shut me out. the circle under his eyes grows every day and he is angrier now! Is he sorry about telling me that I can't be friends with him? So why he doesn't apologize? He knows I will forgive him doesn't he? Is he shy ?
Mr.Colin enters before I can ask any other question from myself.
"Hello kids... I corrected your exams and I'm going to give them to you right now... " he says , taking the papers out from his bag. i am panting ! And desperate to see what is her mark, I sound like a kid I know .
"Mr.Porter ..A+ thanks Alex." He runs to my seat and gives the paper to me.
"Mr. Boner ...A- , Mis. Boner ....A- , Mis Jordan A- , Mr. cooper ...B+ ..
Mis. Forbs... D+ and you Mr.Conners ..." he takes a deep breath .
"I'm sorry but you failed .. but because I know you are a good kid and obviously had some personal problems that this happened ,I'm going to take another exam from you ,next week .. so be ready this time.. I'm sure you don't want your parents to know, so I'm not going to tell them" he says.
"Like they care" he whispered to himself. poor thing .I guess we both have careless families. The happiness that spreads into me after hearing her mark, disappears because of him.

The 2 classes of physics went fast and it was lunch time. I was only thinking about him... I wanted to be his friend so bad, I don't know why really .. but... I just want to help him... to understand his secret ,
Maybe the girl he was talking about did this to him? He trusted her and she ruined him? So he won't trust any other person? That's why he shuts people that care for him out?wait ... do I care for him? Unfortunately yes, again don't know why!

these questions are mind blowing and you won't understand how the time flies when you're asking them from yourself .
maybe I don't know anything about him but I know what I'm doing and there is nothing that can stop me..

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