chapter 42

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3MONTHS LATER (first day of school.)
Alex's POV
"I Love you." he whispers into my mouth.
I wanna speak but I can't because his tongue is tangled in mine.
"I missed you." he whispers and kisses me again. right now I'm pinned to his bed in his room which he shares with Carla (A/N: she is the girl who helped Adex if you don't remember)
"who's your roommate?" he leans to kiss me fir the hundredth time if you count the pecks too.
"I don't know my roommate .. she is new I guess." I answer cause he finally got off my chest but only to work on my belt and the rim of my boxers.
"what happened when I was gone?" he whispers into my belly and a shiver runs down my spine.
"nothing special , I just went to some parties with Harry and Louis and their bandmates before they leave to England and I met Carla's boyfriend that's all... but oh actually there was something else that happened ,the worst though..."
****flash back ****
"hey dad, mum, I'm home..." I shout cause the leaving room is far away from the entrance door.
"hello dear where were you?" my mum asks as I enter the leaving room.
"at harry's .why?" I say, picking an apple from the plate in front of them.... they are watching news ... grate..
"nothing just asking."
I sit beside my dad not paying attention to the TV but to my phone cause I was sexting with Ad.
"ugh look at them... filthy creatures aren't they?" my dad speaks up so I lock my iPhone when I realize he is talking to me.
I glance at him then the TV to see what is the filthy creatures .. rats? or snakes?
but I freeze when I see what... better to say who are the filthy creatures.
"son? aren't they disgusting?" he says making a disgusted look.
I'm boiling from inside.
"no... I don't see what's wrong with them." I say, glaring at him... the famous death only I can give (A/N:from the movie LOL).
"ugh .. they are homosexual ...ew... it's really disgusting." I breath heavily trying not to snap his neck right here right now.
"dad? homosexuality is not a disease ... and it's not disgusting .. there is no problem falling for the same sex.... you sound like a stupid homophobic." I try my hardest to stay calm as I speak.
"hey ... don't speak with me like that... and yes I am a homophobic .. but not a STUPID homophobic... a HUGE homophobic... I can vomit on every single gay and lesbian in this world cause they HAVE an INCURABLE DISEASE ..." he snaps and feel a single tear leaving my eyes cause I missed Adam's comfort.
****flash back over****
"so your dad is a homophobic?" he asks ,not believing me.
"yup" I pop the 'p'.
"he is disgusting." he makes a disgusted look ,much better than my father.
I chuckle.
"yeah....but anyways how was your-"
ring ring ring
I'm cut off by his phone ringing.
he stand on his feet and picks his phone.
"hello it's Adam."
"what do you mean?"
"are you ...are you crying?"he stutters .. his voice is shaking... god this can't be good so I get up too.
"WHAT?" he screams... tears running down his face.
'what happened' I mouth, worried.
he hangs the phone, sniffing.
just as I'm leaning to comfort him.... he throws his phone to the wall then collapses down on the flour leaning to it, crying hardly.
"baby what happened?" I'm starting to cry, tears have filled my eyes.

I get down on my knees to his level, wiping away the tears.

he looks at me with his big ,coal black, eyes... which are a shade if red now.

"B..B...B...Br... Brad..." he mumbles, stuttering.
and I know what he is going to say, not needing him to explain me anything.
"Brad is dead." he says .. cold heartedly as he pulls his pills out and takes a full hand of them.

(I FEEL LIKE A MONSTER😱😱😱😱😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 brad is DEAD.😭😭😭😭😭😭 I feel awful for him.... but anyways I try my hardest to up soon cause if I don't I WONT BE UPDATING FOR A MONTH cause I have final exams but guess what? after the exams I'll be updating daily... it finishes in 30 days so sorry but always know i love you guys... even if you vote or not😉)

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