Chapter 10. Wet Dreams

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A/N wholy shit, 1k reads in a week? what the fuck! That's a lot, especially with one update during that time. Also I can see the comments btw and some of you people need to go touch some grass or something, like i'm even more concerned than I was in the first place. Comment all you want it boosts the story, but for the love of fuck go touch some grass.

When the four entered the house Ymir was giving Historia a piggyback ride, per the small blonde's request.

"We have a few hours left 'till the party." Said Annie as she looked down at her watch, stepping into the threshold of the house.

"I'm sleepy" Yawned Historia as she buried her face into Ymir's shoulder.

" 'You wanna take a nap?"

"Mhm" She answered sleepily.

"I'll carry you upstairs then"

Ymir then started the climb up the stairs and to their bedroom. When she got there she sat Historia down on the bed and layed a blanket over the tired blonde.

Historia flipped over onto her side and nuzzled her face into the pillow. A few seconds later she had already fallen asleep, much to Ymir's surprise.

"God shes so cute"  Thought Ymir as she turned off the lights and closed the door, leaving the room.

-----Time skip-----

It had been a few hours and Historia was still asleep. Ymir, Annie and Mikasa were sitting on the downstairs couch talking and laughing.

"We have an hour and a half until the party, you should go wake your girlfriend up."

"Yeah your right. Let's not be late, I want the first pick at the liquor." Said Ymir as she got up and started to walk upstairs.

When Ymir made it to their room she slowly opened the door and peeked into the room. Historia was still asleep, tossing and turning in the bed. Ymir slipped in the room and tiptoed to the bed, laying down beside Historia and whispering in her ear for her to wake up.

"Come on we have to go to the party sleeping beauty"

"Ymir" Historia moaned in her sleep

Ymir's eyes went wide as she was taken back by what just happened.

Still asleep, Historia started to rub herself against Ymir's thigh which had happened to be between her legs.

Ymir's jaw dropped as she realised what was happening. But suddenly she felt something wet on her leg. She threw the cover off the bed to see that Historia had soaked through not only her underwear but her shorts as well.

WHOLY SHIT. DID SHE JUST..... ABOUT ME?  Thought Ymir. Suddenly she got an idea.

Ymir put the blanket back over them and started to lightly kiss Historia's neck, earning a few moans from her still asleep lover.

"Touch me" Historia moaned in her sleep as Ymir lightly put her hand on the blondes waist.

Ymir gave a quick little peck to Historia's pulse point as she heard another moan. She smirked, giving the blonde a few more soft kisses on her jawline. Soon she felt her girlfriend tense up.

Wait is she about to...

Ymir heard a loud moan then felt the blonde's body relax.

Well shit she did

Suddenly Historia jolted up and accidentally elbowed Ymir in the boob.

"Mother fucker!" Ymir swore as she cradled her boob, wincing in pain.

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