Chapter 13

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A/N: The first part of this chapter is a bit unsettling and might not sit right with some readers. It's basically the nightmare Ymir had back in one of the earlier chapters but shorter and without the calm part.

There she was in the hallway again. 

"Mom?" Ymir called out walking down the hall and peering around the corner.

Suddenly flashes of events passed by. The knife going into her Mom's chest. Her mother's body going limp and falling to the floor. The picnic. Her moms smiling face. The teddy bear in the booster seat. Her father's red pick up truck. The crowning. The police breaking in and shooting everyone. The teddy bear's arm dipping into the pool of blood. Her falling into the river.

And the screams. God the screams were everywhere. They overlapped each other, some sounded closer and others farther away. They were different pitches and intensities. But they all had one thing in common, they were her mother's screams the night she was murdered.

Suddenly everything went black. There Ymir sat, in a black abyss with nothing other than herself. But then chuckles and laughs erupted from the surrounding black. They got louder and louder, closer and closer. Ymir started to walk backwards, trying to run from the noises but to no avail. As she backpedaled trying to escape she tripped over her own feet and fell. She scrambled on the floor, trying to crawl away from the laughs. Some sounded similar to the joker, some were evil laughs and some were just voices mocking her mother's death.

"Your mommy's gone" 

"What are you gonna do cry about it?"

 "Mom's dead" 

"Daddy stabbed mommy"

"It's all your fault"

"She's gone now"

"Mommys never coming back"

As Ymir scampered backwards she looked down at her hands which were now soaked in her mother's blood.

"STOP IT! STOP IT PLEASE!" Ymir cried out, tears streaming down her face.

But the voices wouldn't stop the cruel taunting. They just kept mocking.

"Cry baby cry baby!"

"It's your fault"

"Mommy's dead now"

"She's never coming back"

"She wants us to stop"

"Look at the weakling crying"


"Little baby"

Tears continued to stream down her freckled face as she tucked herself into a ball. Ymir rocked herself back and forth while sobbing and listening to the voices torment her in the pitch-black room.


Suddenly Ymir jolted out of bed while screaming. She frantically looked around the room as she continued to yell. Historia was already up, sitting on the end of the bed siping on a cup of tea but that didn't register. Ymir scrambled backwards, her head and body slamming against the wooden headboard but she didn't care, she was too busy freaking out. As the freckled girl screamed she continued to try to back up, the headboard stopping her.

"Ymir?" Historia said, placing the cup down and running to her girlfriends side, trying to make sence of what was going on.

Ymir held her head in her hands, not stopping the screaming. She tucked her legs up against her chest as memories of that night ran through her mind. She vividly remembered her mother's screams and the teasing of the voices. She rocked herself back and forth, clutching her head and yelling at the top of her lungs.

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