Chapter 7

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--------Ymirs POV--------

I joilt up out of bed to hear the noise of glass shattering. I look around my room, it was pitch black but some light was seeping through my partly closed door from the hallway. "Mommy?" I say, getting out of my bed and grabbing my favorite brown teddy bear that had a neatly tied red ribbon around its neck before walking towards my room door. I peek outside my room into the hallway to see two shadows, one with long hair and in a nightgown of some sort. The other is a tall slim figure whose head was bending over the smaller one with a knife in its hand.

"NO NO PLEASE NO" The smaller figure screamed, putting up her arms to protect her and her head.

I watch as the taller one raises up the knife, ready to strike. It looks at the smaller one and starts to attack, stabbing it over and over again. I watch the smaller one turn her head to the side as she lets out high pitched screams pleading and begging for her life, the knife penetrating her chest and neck several times.

"Mommy?" I ask, while peering down the hallway and watching the shadows move and scream.

I step out of my room, holding my teddy bear and walk down the hall, still listening to the screams, crys and beggs.

Everything flashes to a picnic we were having in the park. We were sitting on a big blanket decorated with yellow and pink flowers that were stemming out of a swirling pattern all over it. I look to my left to see an open picnic basket with sandwiches wrapped in paper towels and chips in plastic bags. The grass around the blanket was a tall and the blades were a nice green color. Butterflies were fluttering through the air and bees were flying from flower to flower which were scattered all over the field. There were tall trees that had overgrown ivy clung all over them, sprawling out in every which way. 

I look to my left and see my mom with a yellow dandelion tucked behind her ear. She was a taller woman, about 5'6, had hazel eyes, freckles all over her arms and blonde medium length hair that she always kept in a low bun. She was wearing a yellow sundress and you could see the sparkle in her eyes whenever you looked at her. She was a very pretty woman and you could always see the kindness in her eyes.

I looked to my right to see my dad. He was just over 6'0 with dark brown hair, green eyes, he had very defined collar bones and a nice sharp jawline. He wore a pair of jeans and a solid grey t-shirt. He gave me his signature smirk, it was always how he said he charmed my mom. He was a buff guy who's shoulders weren't too wide but he had some pretty big biceps.

"Wait right here" My dad told me as he was standing up. "I have a surprise for you, but it's in the car. I'm going to go get it and I'll be right back sweety." He said as he ruffled my hair and walked towards the parking lot.

I sat there and watched him step through the field and walk past the playground. He turned a corner in the parking lot near a lamppost then went out of my sight. My mom went over to me, picking me up and pulling me into a tight embrace. 

"I love you sooooo much" She said while hugging me, my legs dangling.

"I love you to Mommy!" I said as she kissed me on top of the head and sat me down, us waiting for him to get back. We waited for 2 minutes, 3 minutes, 5 minutes then 10 minutes. 10 Minutes turned into 20, and 20 turned into 30. 30 minutes turned into an hour and an hour turned into 2.

"When's daddy coming back?" I asked, looking at my mother whose eyes started to swell up with tears. 

"He went on a work trip, he'll be back soon" She said, holding back the tears and standing up. "Lets clean up" she said while starting to put the trash into the picnic basket. "It's getting late".

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