Chapter 16

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"What do you want?" Asked Ymir, clearly bothered that he had called her.

"I want you to get in the black SUV in the driveway and come to the wearhouse so we can talk about your new responsibilities and so I can give you a tour." Said Levi over the phone.

"Fuck no, I'm not getting in some strangers car to be driven to an unknown location. This is exactly how I get killed and my dead body ends up in a street gutter! Have you watched true crime?"

"Just get in the SUV." Demanded Levi.

"No! SUV's are the 21st century's version of white kidnapper vans. You're not even offering me candy either, your just giving demands over my phone."

"So if I offered you candy would you get in the van?"

"Still no but I'd at least consider it." Said Ymir as she rolled her eyes.



"Fine I'll just have them do what they did last time."

"I killed two of them last time you tried that, plus I can arm myself with the warning you just gave me."

"How did you even get this position Ymir? I should be the head of the mafia right now, not you."

"You think I want this? Plus I dont know. I'm a butch lesbian with a tragic backstory and daddy issues, you tell me!"

"Just get in the van."

"No. I was having a nice night with my girlfriend, we were cuddling and watching anime. Then you decide to so rudely interrupt me and try to kidnap me for the second time in the past 24 hours!"

"Stop acting like a child."

"I am a child!"

"Your 19 and live alone, stop whining and get in the damn van!"


"How about this? If you get in the van and go to the warehouse, you can have all the candy you want when your there." Said Lev, changing his tone to a softer voice and trying to reason with Ymir.

"All the candy?"

"Yes all the candy."

"Fine, give me 5 minutes and I'll be out. Plus somebody better take care of my damn car."

"alright, see you in a bit."

"Fuck you!" Said Ymir as she hung up the phone and sighed, leaning against the wall.

Ymir dragged herself back to Historia's room and walked to the bed.

"Hey I have to go, my boss needs me at the shop right now."

"At 2 am?"

"He's a bit of an oddball."

"But you can't drive right now, your all tired and sleepy."

"I've called an uber so I'll be fine."

"Ok, but you owe me a sleepover, just the two of us!"

"Alright." Said Ymir as she bent down and gave Historia a kiss, then gathering her things and walking out of the room.

"Fucking Levi." Muttered Ymir as she made her way to the front door.

She sighed as she opened the door, walking out of the house and hooked up to the sky. 

The stars are nice at least  thought Ymir as she closed the door behind her and lazily walked down the steps of the house. She took the path to the driveway and was met by a man about the height of 6'2 in a black and white suite with a earpiece in. He silently opened the back door for Ymir and closed it when she got in. She settled down in the seat and put her seatbelt on as the man got in the driver's seat and started to drive.

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