Chapter 6.

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Ymir was laying on the living room couch looking at her phone when Historia walked over.

"Hi" said Ymir, looking up from her phone to her girlfriend

"Hi 'mir" 

" 'Mir? Is that what your calling me now?" Ymir questioned while laughing

" Um yeah, I thought it was cute. U-n-unless you don't want me too." Stuttered Historia 

"No its fine, I like it."


"But I get to call you a cute nickname"

"Sure 'mir, what were you thinking?"

"Maybe Hisu or something. Yeah Hisu."

"I like that" Said the blonde laying down on Ymir, nuzzling her face in her chest.

Ymir was a bit surprised by the gesture but nonetheless wrapped her arms around the small girl, planting a kiss on her forehead and smiling.

"Ooooo look at the two loveeeebirddds" Said Mikasa walking into the living room, stumbling a bit.

Historia blushed and buried her face in Ymir's neck again, letting out a muffled "Stop it"

"Bitch you've been gone for the past two hours, have about 100 hickeys on your neck and are walking like you need crutches. I wouldn't be talking if I were you." Said Ymir in a rather snarky tone.

"Oh fuck off" Replied Mikasa

" 'Mir be nice" Said Historia

" 'MIR? Fucking 'mir? Is that what she's calling you now?"

"Oh fuck off. Annie calls you Mika. You sound like one of those fucking UwU bitches or something."

"I'd rather be called Mika then 'Mir. Thats a name that a fucking meerkat at a children's zoo would have."

"Mika sounds like something that Bertholdt would name one of his animal crossing characters."

"Annie was right, you are mean." Pouted Mikasa

"Play nice Ymir." Said Historia, booping her girlfriends nose.

"Did she just boop your nose? 'Mir's getting her nose booped." Teased Mikasa

" 'Looks like Annie booped something of yours, and it wasn't your nose that's for sure. No wonder you're walking like your ankles broken."

"No-I-I'd-N-No-Th-Tha-That-n-n-n-no-I-" Stammered Mikasa

"Is Ackerman stuttering?" Asked Ymir, putting up a peace sign and sticking her tongue between her two fingers that were up. 

"I'll go get Annie and she'll kick your ass." Threatened Mikasa

"Oh please, you couldn't make it up the stairs."

" 'Mir!" scolded Historia, swatting her girlfriend across the face

"Ow" Pouted Ymir

"Im sorry, where does it hurt? I'll kiss it to make it better." Apologised Historia

"Awww 'Mir's getting her boo boo's kissed" Taunted Mikasa

"You wish that Annie would kiss your boo boo's so you could walk right. Then again it would only make the problem worse." 

"Thats it im leaving." Yelled Mikasa, staggering towards the porch rather slowly.

"Have fun trying to make it out the door" Said Ymir, waving at her limping friend.

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