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Kenma sighed as he took his headset off and set it on his desk. He leaned his elbows on the flat surface in front of him and rubbed his eyes. He then felt hands softly touching his shoulders from behind him. He leaned his head back, tired from the long stream he had just finished.

"Kuroo..." Kenma softly spoke. His voice was dull and tired. He hadn't been this tired since he was still a teenager.

He spun his chair around to face Kuroo and leaned forward into his chest. He closed his eyes and started to feel drowsy the second he did so. Kuroo softly wrapped his arms around Kenma's back.

"Come on, Kenma. I know your tired. Let's get you to bed." He started to pick up Kenma bridal style. He then brought him to their bed and he gently laid him down. Kenma was already sleep the instant Kuroo had set him down.

Kuroo and Kenma had been dating for five years. Kenma was 22 and Kuroo was 23, and they were happily living together. They both never found the time to propose or take their relationship a step further, but they were both happy with how things were.

Their cat was sitting at the end of the bed, curled up in a ball, also asleep. It was only 4 in the afternoon, but Kenma had just finished a 24 hour stream, so he was tired from sitting at his desk playing video games the whole time. Kuroo was always there to support Kenma, even if some of his streams could poorly affect his sleep schedule or even his daily life.

After Kuroo tucked Kenma in, he went to go tidy up Kenma's desk and turn his computer off in the other room. He picked up the cups of coffee and water and went to go wash the dirty dishes. Afterward, he got himself a quick meal and went to go watch some TV until it was a bit later when he could go to bed as well.

Around 9:30 pm, Kuroo decided it was time to get ready for bed. The next day, he had to be up bright and early for work, as per usual, so he decided it was a good idea to get some rest. He turned the TV off and went to brush his teeth and changed his clothes. Around 10, he finally got in bed with Kenma and drifted off to sleep.


The next morning, Kuroo woke up at 6 in the morning. Kenma also woke up early because he went to bed earlier than normal. He would usually head to bed around midnight and wake up at around 9 in the morning. Their cat was already awake, sitting at the door waiting for them. Kenma laid in bed on his phone, and Kuroo got up to continue his normal routine and feed the cat.

Kuroo got ready for work and was getting ready to leave around 7. "Alright, I'm gonna leave now KenKen. Love you." He gave Kenma a kiss on the forehead and turned to leave for work.

Kenma decided to check how many views his stream had. He didn't really pay attention too much while he was streaming, especially toward the end when he was tired. Recently, he hasn't gotten as much as he usually has so he hoped the longer stream he did would boost the views. Unfortunately, they were the same as usual.

Kenma let out an angry sigh and dropped his left arm at his side to pet the cat that was now laying next to him. He then opened his messages and sent Kuroo a quick text that read "hey kuroo, before u get home can u stop at the store and get groceries? love u".

He decided to get up and go grab some coffee from the kitchen before he did some quick house chores.

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