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"So, Kuroo, how's it going with you and Kenma?"

Kuroo felt his heart skip a beat when he heard the question come out of Bokuto's mouth. It wasn't something he had been avoiding, but it also wasn't something he had wanting to been asked.

"We're doing good. He was really pissed at me this morning though. Did Akaashi tell you what happened?" Kuroo fidgeted with his hands under the table as he spoke.

"Oh yeah. Hope the little guy gets better. He told Akaashi some stuff about you. He told me not to tell you though so I'm gonna respect that." Bokuto kind of smirked, finding whatever he was thinking to be something good for Kuroo.

Kuroo, completely clueless, just continued the conversation. "Okay but was it something good?"

"Definitely bro. I kinda feel bad for the little dude though with everything happening."

"Like what? He won't tell me much. You know him. He usually bottles it up until he eventually lets it all out. Or sometimes he tells Hinata or Akaashi if they're not busy."

"No, like the whole hospital thing. That probably sucks."

"Oh yeah."

As they continue to spoke, their waiter came over with their food and placed it down in front of them. Bokuto and Kuroo both thanked her as she refilled their drinks.

They both ate in silence. They were hungry, and had their own thoughts on their mind. The silence was quite normal for them, as a lot of times in highschool they would just hang out at each others' houses without talking much.

When they finished their food, they had seen the check on their table. "Split it?" Bokuto had asked. He didn't want to offer to pay since he knew Kuroo would also offer. Most of the time they paid half of it each, or one person did the tip while the other paid for the meal.

"Sure." Kuroo grabbed the check from Bokuto and looked over the price. They both put down cash, paying for the meal and their tip.

As they left together, they both talked about everything going on in their lives. They both enjoyed every aspect of every day and enjoyed each other's presence.

"Dude we gotta meet up again soon."

"Yeah dude." Kuroo waved at Bokuto and turned to leave. "Cya bro."

As Kuroo walked over to his car, he couldn't help but think. He wondered how Akaashi was doing. He hadn't talked to Akaashi too much anymore and he wondered how life was going. And most of all, he wondered what Kenma had told him that was so private he didn't want Kuroo to know.

Of course, he knew it was okay to have some secrets from each other, but he felt kind of hurt considering the fact that he knew almost everything about Kenma. As he wondered what it was, his mind shifted over to something else.

He wondered if Kenma was mad at him. Maybe it could've been something negative about him that he told Akaashi, which was why he acted the way he did around him this morning.

Kuroo tried not to think about it too much and eventually got to his car to leave the parking lot.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. I didn't have much time to write it and I also tried to think about what else to add since I didn't want to make the other one really long. Also, if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes pls let me know! thanks for reading :))

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