Part 2

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Normal POV

Sixty sat in the Pilot seat waiting for the ship to come out of hyperspace as Hunter walked up to her

"So where are we going?" He asked

"Ask Tech, he probably has a 12 paged essay already" Answered Sixty

Hunter sighed "Sixty, I asked you"

"Okay so?" Sixty questioned as Hunter gave up and went back to Tech to get the information as Sixty turned on the Holo-Net as she watched a random pod-race and it reminded her when she was little,

watching every pod race that was on the Holo-net even if two races were going on at the same time, she always recorded one and then watched the other one later but now she's lucky if she can watch one from start to finish.

But Sixty was taken out of her thoughts when she heard the beeps telling her that they were approaching their destination

"BOYS! WE ARE COMING OUT OF HYPERSPACE" She yelled as she got ready to leave hyperspace as she heard the footsteps of her bothers rushing to sit down and

she then pulled the switch which jolted the ship out of hyperspace, and she started to steer the ship towards the surface but soon the ship was more like falling towards the surface

as Sixty pulled up the steering wheel as the ship "landed" onto the surface and the team jumped out onto the surface

when the creatures started to attack them

"Jeez, What are these!" Sixty Yelled as she used her blasters to try to kill them as the team started to take cover from these Creatures

As Tech spoke up "These are Yalbecs and the-"

But Tech was interrupted by Sixty

"We don't need a Lecture!" Sixty Yelled as she tries to kill the Yalbecs

But soon enough

Wrecker did something stupid

Wrecker cut off the Queen's Stinger as the other Yalbecs tried to "eat" the other members but then Tech pointed out

"They are trying to mate with us!" He yelled to the team as one of the Male Yablecs launches their self at Sixty as she fell onto her back trying to get the Yalbec off her but once she did, she got a comm from Cody

Sixty ran to take cover as she turned on her voice-changer and took the call

But Cody kept on cutting out, so she decided to record the message as she just kept on saying


And once she heard the one clear thing Cody said which was

"Can you come and help us?"

She Answered

"Oh, of course. We'll be there" She Said

Then she turned off her comm and went back into battle, but the battle was almost finished when she joined but of course, there was

Wrecker swinging around the stinger like it was a toy as the Males Yalbecs chased him as the other squad members killed the ones chasing Wrecker as Sixty took off her helmet and started to hit her head on a nearby rock

Small Time Skip

Soon the group finally made it back to the ship as they went up the stairs and Tech went to pilot the ship as Sixty went to the beds and took off her armor and laid down on the top bunk as she heard the muffled voices of her brothers when she fell asleep

Dream / Flashback

Sixty was walking down the white halls of Kamino as she grabbed her head in pain and shock it trying to make it stop as she went to the nearest worker

Sixty approached the worker as the worker turned around to meet the face of the female clone

"Sixty, What's wrong?" Questioned the Worker

As Sixty pointed her finger at something but the worker gasped as they got out their Comm

"Worker 2093 Reporting a-"

End of Dream / Flashback

Sixty was soon awoken by Tech shaking

"Your Turn," He said

She rubbed her eyes and noticed that the other members were asleep too as Sixty got off the bunk and started to slide her armor back on as she went up to the cockpit to be prepared as soon as the ship came out of hyperspace

As she leaned back into the chair and thought about the battle and then Sixty muttered

"Wrecker is such a stupid man-child"

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